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2 answers

Giving is a blessing to those that don't have...yes! But, I am very cautious about giving money to anyone. Many times people will ask for money till they have enough to buy alcohol with it, which does more harm to the person in the long run. I still give and I love giving to people that is less fortunate, but through trial and err, I learned to not give money. If a person wants a dollar for something to eat, then I will buy it for them, that way I know they ate. I've learned too...especially with women...that they will want money to get diapers, baby food, and sometimes a bus ticket cause they said a family member died and they don't have the money...etc. I will take them to the store to get the diapers, food or pay for the bus ticket myself and watch them get on the bus...etc. It's amazing how many of them will argue with me that I don't trust them, that they can get it their self...and a whole list of excuses. To this day I never bought a bus ticket for anyone, cause they all refused to let me take them to the bus station and pay for it. Some even refused the diapers, when I offered to let them go in the store and let me pay. So to me...many of them are scamming me. I know myself if I needed those things bad enough, I would let them pay, take me to the bus station and put me on the bus!!! I too, when I pay, I keep the receipts, so they can't return it. I don't refuse people if I can help it, but if they want food...let me buy it, that way I know they got food....etc. If they refuse to let me buy it, then they refused the help their self. If they argue with me about me not trusting them, then thats a red flag, and then I will tell them...thats right...I don't trust you.

2007-03-26 14:43:30 · answer #1 · answered by WV_Nomad 6 · 0 0

We are blessed when we give to the poor. It will return to us with interest!

2007-03-26 19:23:48 · answer #2 · answered by delmaanna67 5 · 0 0

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