As long as there are differences in people there will be prejudice. It's not a good thing, but people are afraid of what they don't understand and prefer to cling to what is normal for them instead of trying to experience or understand a different viewpoint. The most that can be done to correct this to encourage friends, family, and especially children to become more culturally aware.
2007-03-23 09:12:25
answer #1
answered by Julie 2
Which country are you referring to? Keep in mind, this site is used not only by Americans, but people all over the world.
That being said, I assume you mean America. Our country was founded on the premise of independence, which has evolved into a sense of everyday competition between Americans. You see it everywhere: in the corporate culture, on the roads (road rage), the way women are depicted in the media (meaning that if you're not thin, young-looking, and have a man, you're less of a person), you name it. In my opinion, competition is one of the main reasons why prejudice still exists: those who exhibit prejudice are usually emotionally insecure and use labels (such as race) to try to make another person and/or culture seem inferior.
There's also the "traditional" practice of prejudice, which is simply ignorance that keeps getting handed down to the later generations. I don't think that in our current mode, this will dissipate in my lifetime.
2007-03-23 16:12:55
answer #2
answered by pokecheckme 4
It seemed as though it was, for awhile (about 20 yrs. ago), but huge influxes of immigrant groups, who bring their own petty wars and grievances along, and are also resented (whether it's fair or not) for "taking jobs" and gov't assistance, have made the U.S.A. a "pressure cooker", rather than a "melting pot". The attempt to hold onto "cultural identity", even if it means rejecting success and embracing violence, also distances racial and ethnic groups. And let's not forget the rampant racism among whites, esp. the very rich and the very poor. Why the poor? The media (pushed by the gov't), tells the poor that non-whites are to blame for their problems, and since the poor whites are usually badly educated, they believe it. I taught at an inner-city school and there was NO MELTING POT...just a lot of violence.
Will prejudice go away? Only with redistribution of wealth and proper education for EVERYONE!
2007-03-23 16:14:05
answer #3
answered by Gwynneth Of Olwen 6
Many if not all the prejudice in our country is handed down to us from those in power. They even do it in prisons the keep the attention off the guards by having the inmates fight each other. What amazes me most is religious predudice that one christian people like baptists cannot live in peace with another religious group like catholics. They seem to have so much in common and also thinking they are obediant loving children of God
2007-03-23 16:12:21
answer #4
answered by Saint Lucipher 3
Prejudices will never end, not in our life time anyway, It will continue until man becomes a single race, and even then there will be prejudices, It is mans hatred for himself that creates it, and his attitude has to change towards humanity, then and only then will we see some change.
2007-03-23 16:19:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No, not in this lifetime or the next. Since the beginning of History racism has been a factor that ruled society, laws, etc.
It'll be here until the end.
2007-03-23 16:11:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Nope, not until we are all mutts. Think about it there is so many people from all over the world coming here and they just bring their prejudices with them. Women haters, gay/lesbian haters, religion haters, skin color haters, new ones coming to the states everyday.
2007-03-23 16:10:29
answer #7
answered by RoxanneZG 3
Predujuce will maybe someday go away but it will alwayz be a part of our culture. I pray that it goes away becacuse it is not good to judge someone based on the color, religion, ect....
2007-03-23 16:09:29
answer #8
answered by damigurl05 1
Homework: if you cannot go to another country, then research what life is REALLY like there esp. for minorities. After you do this, you'll find that the US is one of the better countries for minorities. You're brainwashed by the liberals who told you that we are the worst and you fell for it.
2007-03-23 19:14:21
answer #9
answered by Justin C 2
Prejudice is not just limited to one country, it's a trait of mankind and as such, will "always" be present somewhere.
2007-03-23 16:09:46
answer #10
answered by love_2b_curious 6