Do you have a hobby that you've been thinking about starting? Now would be a good time for that. You could spend some extra time studying or start a new exercise program. The longer you can stay away from the computer, the less those messages will matter. You could also tell your friends that you will either not be checking your myspace page or will be checking it less often. That way they are less likely to be sending you messages and knowing that, you'll be less tempted to check it. Hope this helps.
2007-03-23 08:20:38
answer #1
answered by cldb730 4
The first few days to a week will be TORTURE. I tried to give up junk food and I felt like I was going to die! Yuor mind is so used to it, that at first it seems like yuo're missing out on something you truly need, when youactually dont NEED it at all. Dont get discouraged. Just keep asking yourself "Do I need it, or do Iwant it?" I'll admit, this only worked half the time for me. Its about motivation and keepig in mind what you'll gain by staying focused and not "slipping" back. I've slipped myself, but I just keep trying. Good Luck!
2007-03-23 08:18:29
answer #2
answered by lovemybaby 4
find something to do every single time the thought comes into your mind. like, go get a piece of gum, or call someone, or write something down like "I will not use my space, I have better things to do w/my time." What you're doing is making new habits so make sure what you replace it with is not destructive also. ok? Yea, get off my space, I really don't see anything good about it. You can talk to your friends in person, or on your cell & really know who your friends are. keep smiling.
2007-03-23 08:31:30
answer #3
answered by Forever 6
locate an incompatible interest to do once you prefer a cigarette. Incompatible is a few thing you could no longer do and smoke on a similar time. Examples: Swimming, strolling, workout, lassoing a dogie (except you are the Marlboro guy), sculpting, washing dishes by ability of hand, strolling the pup, making love, dancing, kneeding dough and he checklist is going on.
2016-10-01 09:24:12
answer #4
answered by gloyd 3
You have to replace the habit...with something productive. Take up a hobby. I quit smoking and had to keep my hands busy so started doing crosswords and word searches. You should probably do something creative like scrapbooking.....that's the first thing that popped into my head.
2007-03-23 08:16:47
answer #5
answered by JenJen 6
You just have to think of the greater good!
Keep your mind on your school work! When you notice your grades going back up it will be all worth it!
2007-03-23 08:20:49
answer #6
answered by Jesabel 6
Take up a hobby - painting, scrapbooking, sports, go to the movies - anything that takes your mind somewhere else. Good luck!
2007-03-23 08:16:06
answer #7
answered by Tricia W 2
Just think to yourself that everyone is saying mean and hateful things about you and you don't need that mess.
2007-03-23 08:19:21
answer #8
answered by MISS K.I.A. 5
Can't help you there.
I'm working on that addiction myself.
2007-03-23 08:17:38
answer #9
answered by Goddess T 6
try reading a book. or spending some time outside.
2007-03-23 08:15:12
answer #10
answered by Dobby The Great 5