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Also why do they have the time?

2007-03-23 07:59:58 · 61 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

61 answers

I do because I'm Stu pid.
but I have been making more of an effort lately to give better answers.
a lot of people give stupid answers as they just dint know the correct answer.
On the other side a stupid question deserves a
stupid answer.

2007-03-23 08:06:07 · answer #1 · answered by Stu pid 5 · 1 1

I guess it depends on what type of mood a person is in. We have all been in a goofy mood from time to time. It's when worlds collide that a serious question may get a stupid answer.

But sometimes a stupid answer can make you laugh. And we all need to laugh.

And people get bored and tired, and grumpy. The more serious the question the more some folk want to find something funny or rude to answer with.

2007-03-23 08:08:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter if they are wrong or correct. Some ppl answer with an educated guess, or filled with facts or maybe they feel a stupid question deserves a stupid answer. (Even the town idiot does not consider himself to be an idiot.) Keep in mind we "all" have given poor or ignorant opinions.
As for the 2nd question ... they have the "same time" it took you to type that question and the time it took me to respond.

2007-03-23 08:32:07 · answer #3 · answered by Ellie 4 · 0 1

"Why do people give stupid answers?"
Because people are stupid.

"Also why do they have the time?"
What else are stupid people going to do all day?

2007-03-23 08:07:46 · answer #4 · answered by Kharm 6 · 2 1

Because people feel smart and quirky when they give smart allicy stupid answers on Yahoo! answers when really, its just because they are lazy bumbs who sit at home, eating poptarts, and wasting other peoples time because they have to much and don't know what to do with it. Also, because people are stupid and they don't actually know, so they figure if they give youa funny answer they can get two points and be an ***-hole while doing it. If you couldn't be bugged by the average joe it wouldn't be america.

2007-03-23 08:03:44 · answer #5 · answered by puffalump 3 · 1 2

Because some people ask stupid questions!

2007-03-23 08:02:31 · answer #6 · answered by thumberlina 6 · 2 1

my mum always used to say 'ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer'. even if the Q doesn't seem that stupid to you someone will find something funny to say, that's life.
i am on here a lot because i am disabled and don't go out much.

2007-03-23 08:16:43 · answer #7 · answered by val f1 nutter 7 · 0 2

stupid questions gets stupid answers

2007-03-23 08:04:49 · answer #8 · answered by Bend it like Bender 5 · 2 1

why not?
your question is a bit stupid to be honest!
why do you have the time to ask that?
It's the one that write essays for answers you gotta worry about, i mean sure they're helpful but they have way too much time!
Also for points but that's a bit sad who cares about points anyway! And if people are bored.

2007-03-23 08:07:19 · answer #9 · answered by funkygurl123 3 · 0 2

they give stupid answers just to earn easy 2 points and trying to reach to the top on Yahoo Answers. Plus they have time when they get back from work or have nothing to do.

2007-03-23 08:03:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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