The alternative was unacceptable
2007-03-23 06:52:43
answer #1
answered by 6
I voted for him the first time because Al Gore was an idiot and can't even answer a question without trying to get out of it and I voted for him again in 2004 because he was running against a flip flopping idiot and he helped keep me and my family safe.
Maybe if the Dems would come up with a decent canidate I would have voted for them but once again the dems running for president next election( Hilary and Obama) are terrible canidates.The republicans can run daffy duck and win the next ****** election.Sad but true facts.The only dem canidate I would vote for is Joe Byden (spelling?).He seems like a very good canidate and a smart man.
2007-03-23 07:11:47
answer #2
answered by what the? 515 2
This question is so easy I had a choice not happy with it but here goes
The positive, (Bush) I got lower taxes, constitutional judge,s will defend our nation
the negatives, higher spending, will not secure our borders.
Gore or Kerry would still get all of the negatives without any of the positives it is a no brainer.
Hey stealth! looks like your husband was the real winner in getting out of that relationship
2007-03-23 07:54:42
answer #3
answered by Ynot! 6
The alternatives sucked.
My question is, why the hell does it matter. Liberals fly out of corners and caves when a republican blows it to ***** and moan and bash them, rather than accomplish anything to remedy the situation. Maybe if they actually did something people would want to vote for them. (My prediction is they get nothing accomplished for the next 2 years, and the GOP win another Presidential election)
To quote Lewis Black "The Republicans are the party of bad Ideas... and the Democrats are the party of No ideas... And the only thing worse than either of these two groups, is when these pricks work together!"
2007-03-23 06:57:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Because we chose the best qualified person for the job out of the ones running for the position. Lesser of the Evils.
Look at whose running now; It's a joke. I would vote for Bush again over any of the candidates out there right now.
2007-03-23 07:30:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
He was the best canidate at the time. If the Democrats put Zell Miller up I'd vote for him. I use to be a Democrat I even worked for the Gore campaign in 1988. But when he hooked up with Clinton, I lost all respect for him.
2007-03-23 07:42:27
answer #6
answered by Den 1
Because if Kerry won, Hillary would not have ran until 2012.
2007-03-23 10:18:38
answer #7
answered by rp 4
My friends who voted for Bush now say they never liked him.
2007-03-23 06:55:57
answer #8
answered by Raven 5
Bush contested the election and happened to be a better potential.
2007-03-23 06:54:34
answer #9
answered by Mystery 3
In seeing Kerry I felt I had no choice and I am Pro-life and Kerry made it clear he was Pro-choice
2007-03-23 21:03:16
answer #10
answered by littledel 5
Because of Scary Kerry
2007-03-23 07:08:29
answer #11
answered by Anonymous