Because they dont understand complex things such as this.
The gay marriage argument for instance, they say it is against their religion and immoral so it should not be allowed.
Who made them the moral authority of America? Since when does religion dictate law? They think they should be able to tell people how to live and get furious if you question it.
2007-03-23 06:28:48
answer #1
answered by Perplexed 7
Conservatives or the far right? Serious I hear what you are asking, and to a point I think they are played up more in the media than they should be. They can ***** and moan about TV being to immoral (for example) but at the end of the day we still have shows depicting adultry, drugs, and relationships not recognized as "normal" by the far right.
We could ask the same about the liberals or far left. Why do they impose their beliefs on people who do not agree with them? Gun control, same sex marraige, the war are all topics that the left shouts about. But if a person doesn't agree with them on these issues, than they shouldn't have to listen either. Correct?
2007-03-23 13:45:34
answer #2
answered by mickey n 2
Well those motherhood statements are all well and good, but shall we inquire as to whether there are any actual examples of this? Or is it merely rhetoric?
Please tell us what beliefs we're forcing down anybody's throat - I'm all ears! Is it because some people think that laws which enforce some morality (which are LEGAL per the Constitution) are some kind of evil?
De Toqueville believed that liberty without wisdom and virtue was licentiousness.
Jefferson said, "Peace, prosperity, liberty and morals have an intimate connection."
2007-03-23 13:35:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There is no right to be free FROM religion, and the "wall of separation" is nowhere to be found in the Constitution. People of faith do not want an established church, which is what the First Amendment prohibited. The belief that a person handing out tracts in a park or erecting a creche at city hall is somehow a violation of someones First Amendment rights is ludicrous, and is the result of generations of federal judges and justices refusing to aplly appropriate judicial restraint.
2007-03-23 13:19:50
answer #4
answered by Rick N 5
Our country was founded by people escaping religious persecution. Conservatives aren't trying to push their beliefs on anyone else. They would just like to be able to worship and believe in the Lord without finger pointing. Why are so many people so afraid of conservatives who love God? hmmmmmm
2007-03-23 13:24:43
answer #5
answered by stargazer 2
Speaking about religious beliefs; because my family has a very strong faith, we believe in prayer. So my daughters are not allowed to say a prayer during school because of others' lack of religious beliefs. Whose rights are being infringed on? This country was founded on religious freedom.
2007-03-23 13:21:54
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If Republicans had their way they would install prayer in school and tell the kids what to say maybe 5 times a day facing meca??
tell them they have to fight to save the fatherland. go die for your country. Here strap on a bomb your life isn't as important as the cause. The cause is we want free oil.
We would have to call all ever green trees Christmas trees and celebrate all the holidays with religious fever.
Anyone who didn't would be shot. They would choose for us the religon we could have and everyone would have to be that religion. We would have to have babies wether we wanted them or not. No birth control.
Anyone caught stealing would have their hand cut off.
So is USA changeing Iraq or is Iraq changing USA?
You see there religious observance is mandatory to celebrate. The holidays you have to do. there prayers are mandatory. Their religous symbols have to be called what they tell you to call them. We call that a lack of freedom of religion. Is that what we want here?
2007-03-23 13:26:12
answer #7
answered by Steven 6
I think Coragraph is wrong on this one, which as a conservative I can relate to.
SOME people who feel social conformation is important also consider themselves conservative but imposing conformity is not in itself conservative.
I'm conservative, as was my then 92 year old grandmother who said of abortion bans 'Who is the government to tell me what to do with My Body?!?'
2007-03-23 13:19:54
answer #8
answered by DAR 7
This sounds like a personal rant. You have the right to practice any religion you choose. You do not have a right of freedom from religion.If you believe a dog turd is God you go for it. I practice mine and i don't force it on anyone. If you interject yourself in a religious conversation you lose the right to not hear about God.
2007-03-23 13:18:36
answer #9
answered by carolinatinpan 5
wrong, consertives favor order over freedom, if given the chice they would rather have order in society and not freedom. example in oregon and other states you can die with dignity, the state passed that law themselves. conservatives believe that government is best that is closess to the people, what is closer than state gov.
yet the conservative bush and conservative attorney general gonzales went into oregon and told the doctors to stop legal euthenasia, by RXing morphine pills, doctor if you do this you will lose your right to write narcotics and other drugs under your federal control substances license.
the courts tossed bush and his attorney genreal out of court, even the republican court tossed bush out
but the point is they disallowed the frreedom of the people of oregon to put on their own ballott the right to die with dignity and not suffer, and instead the gop favors order, you cannot choice the way you want to die, we will go in and fight you, we the paty of conserving values will tell you which values we think are best and in this case, the fact that six doctors all agree you can die with dignity does not ,matter
we the conservative president and conservative department of justice have a right to come into your state and tell yo how you can die and we can over rule yuour local laws and state laws
yet the gop claims to be for states rights, but in reality they want the states to confirm to the national moral norm of the gop party
in california same thing people suffering from chemo could legally take pot needed medical notes from doctors, bush went in and told californians they could not smoke pot to get rid of side effects of being sick from cancer chemo
2007-03-23 13:57:59
answer #10
answered by jdschumanrk 1