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Lets name and shame the annoying time wasting $^%*+ Mine would have to be, Three ( they dont understand you ) and Orange ( over 25 hours on the phone and still no joy) ,

2007-03-23 05:22:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

8 answers

yahoo, definatley..
i've tried contacting the 8 times in the last week and just keep getting an automated email back directing me to a useless page or thanking me for my feedback....i havent any feedback, i've a problem...but here's some feedback for yahoo....you're customer service is useless

...oh, and i8've just thought of a worse one... IKEA!! ikea are sapping creativity out of the world, where are the new designers?? everyone's home looks the same: cheap and disposable ....
they sell cheap crap but have you ever tried to take anything back for a refund? even the cheapest item...they wil not refund you!! you end up waiting for literally hours, seeing up to 6 levels of management and they dont back down...

we've boycotted tham now after trying to return a faulty matress, being told over the phone "yes, come in, we'll exchange" only to do the 50 mile round trrip and be told no way....no exchange...go home

2007-03-23 05:29:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Any corporation that is shifted their call centres to India. i've got cancelled all my credit taking part in cards and insurance rules with any company that has moved workplaces over to India. Now, i've got not something against Indians yet while i'm attempting to get entry to substantial innovations and the guy on the different end won't be able to talk a be attentive to English you have a tendency to get quite cheesed off after 20 minutes. The worst culprits: -Norwich Union -HSBC

2016-10-19 10:37:24 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


it didn't work, broken

I only give em an hour, then I write emails, then I write letters

wait a few days between those things

I almost bought a share of RCN stock so I could go to the shareholder meeting and bring up that topic

2007-03-23 05:28:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sky - you have at least 2 birthdays whilst waiting to talk to a 'human being' and when you ring them for technical support, the best advice they give is to turn the box off at the mains and then when this doesn't work they try and charge you £65 for an engineer to call.

Ooooh it makes me seethe!!

2007-03-23 05:28:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ntl: (now Virgin Media) are Premier League when it comes to cr*p customer service for their broadband service. It's like getting blood out of a stone to find out their Customer Service Director's name and company address.

2007-03-23 05:29:31 · answer #5 · answered by Del Piero 10 7 · 0 0

Telefonica, Iberdrola...in fact, any Spanish customer service...25 hours and no joy, thats standard practice here! We don't have customer service, we have customer abuse!

2007-03-23 05:28:11 · answer #6 · answered by SunnyDays 5 · 0 0

british gas cause you have to spend a tenner trying to get through to them and still not get through.
3 mobile cause they took 3 weeks to fix my handset and they tried to charge me a months line rental for the time I didnt have the phone.
family credit cause they take too long in sorting things out

2007-03-23 05:32:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

DELL!!!! Takes forever, and the Indians may be nice, but they don't KNOW anything! You can't even order printer ink without an Inquisition!

2007-03-23 05:26:17 · answer #8 · answered by GreenEyedLilo 7 · 0 0

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