evolution is a tricky topic because there are so many forms of evolving. It happens everyday around us, from new animals to yes even people.... thinking about it, if a woman is pregnant and ultrasounds show the baby has a third appendage (arm lets say) its automatically assumed its deformed and should be aborted. but lets just say that was the beginning of a great evolutionary change that 1000 years from now could prove to be very useful..... etc. etc. so many things we view as deformities and ugly could be nothing more than evolution taking place right in front of us....... larger eyes, bigger ears, going bald...... simple things that we see every day. 1000's of years ago, a bald caveman would have died in the winter, not quite so important now though is it?
just a different view for a hot topic
2007-03-23 07:52:37
answer #1
answered by brian a 3
Sadly, sure. I don't realise how they are able to manage the cognitive dissonance. You don't seem to be good-informed given that you don't respect that thought is the maximum stage in technology. It's now not a bet. It is ignorant to mention "JUST a thought". The usual ancestor of all apes (adding men and women and chimps) is a monkey and that may be verified in your delight. It does now not rely at the thought of evolution. It's a truth. Theories do not need evidence which best applies in arithmetic. Theories have proof. There isn't any proof of a god of any variety. Theories are falsifiable. That's a characteristic, now not a computer virus. If proof is produced that shows yet another thought or this one demands amendment, then we found out some thing and are grateful for it. Religion does now not have that characteristic. And it's requred. So construction by means of a god isn't able of being a thought. Since the invention of mitochodrial DNA ancestry will also be observed by means of genetic mapping and we are not looking for bones to confirm the speculation. Theories make predictions and can be utilized to increase different theories and open up thoroughly new strains of inquiry. The thought of evolution is priceless given that is works, now not always given that it's truth. Evolution is truth however average decision is a thought. Bottom line is that it really works. God as an evidence does not paintings for us and isn't rather an reply in that regard. Its an excuse to not consider approximately it.
2016-09-05 13:05:54
answer #2
answered by ? 4
ID and evolution are NOT incompatible and never have been.
There are 2 creation stories in Genesis.
One of them explains about God starting with the word, then creating light, the earth, etc. Next he starts creating living beings starting with the smallest and least advanced then working up to the most complex and finally man.
The story of Adam and Eve is the OTHER story. The version in the "Old Testament" is heavily edited and is missing important parts that can still be found in the Jewish books. It is a moral and metaphorical story about humans developing language and most importantly developing free will.
2007-03-23 05:25:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
yes. I can't believe it either.
Everything in life is evolution. Nothing is the same as yesterday. Languages evolve. Watch old movies, and read classic novels from 100 years ago, you'll see how English language has evolved. Businesses change and evolve -- fastest under capitalism. Society is changing and evolving -- the 60's are very different from 70's, 80's, 90's. Fads appear and disappear. Being born, growing up, growing old, dying, means constant personal change.
I find it far easier to believe evolution applies universally. Special cases require special proof.
2007-03-23 05:33:02
answer #4
answered by d c 3
I can't believe that some people DO believe in evolution. It is just ridiculous.
2007-03-31 03:34:31
answer #5
answered by Patricia L 1
WOW! First time this question comes on YA! You really are doing some original thinking there.
I presume you have at the very least a master's degree in biology or geology, or some related field? I mean you sound like an expert on the subject.
2007-03-23 05:23:56
answer #6
answered by Mr Ed 7
Exactly it is obvious that evolution is true, why is this so hard for people to understand?
2014-10-18 15:26:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
So, humans are going to evolve into Vulcans in a thousand years?
2007-03-23 05:22:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Drive to crazy then cause i am a creationist
2007-03-23 05:19:39
answer #9
answered by jen 5
Don't you know your Bible?
"And God said 'Abracadabra'! And everything just appeared, exactly as it is now."
Actually, if God DID create everything in one flash, why didn't he make it PERFECT right from the start.
Hmm, I think there might be something in that evolution malarky after all.
2007-03-23 05:24:38
answer #10
answered by johnny_dee 4