You are right...they claim america is theirs but the american indians were here first and they gruesomlely killed large masses of people and they say blacks are the most violent PLEEEEASE!!!!..
That's just another form of Tricknology but we blacks aren't buying it because we are hip to their game..
They are barbaric animals and they know it !!
2007-03-23 05:16:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Since white people are the majority, it makes sense that the majority of crimes would be commited by white people. And that white people would be the majority in prison, OH WAIT, that's right we're NOT the majority in prison.
As for the violence that we started, How do you think we conquered the world? What my ancestors did may or may not have been morally correct, but you should still appreciate the military might that the Europeans had, I mean white people were and still are the minority world wide. How did they take over the planet? Stop hating such success
2007-03-23 06:42:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
it seems people are talking about EVERY ONE EXCEPT WHITES THINK THEIR THE MOST SAVAGE ON THE PLANET but in my experience when I walk down the street, people dont cross to the other side expecting me to mug them or shoot them. I dont run from the illigal alien task force afraid Ill be sent back to my country when I go to work, white males arent the mass of prisoners in our judicial system and most importantly, white people arent the cause of their own demise by killing their own race off. Look in the news and tell me whose arrested more often for robberies, and as far as the murder for hires, its because even the most sadistic a** hole has somewhat of a consience and doesnt actually get a thrill of pulling a trigger. The point of this wole thing is for all of us to open our eyes a little bit more, there is racism of all sorts whites against blacks and blacks against whites and everybody against everybody. but its topics like this that bring out the hate in the typically tame and mild manored people
2007-03-23 08:28:02
answer #3
answered by brian a 3
First of all, your prototyping- other races do the same kind of thing even if they aren't aired on tv. Second of all, your forgetting that Court tv is biased- it chooses cases that are particularly enraging, so more people will watch it. Do more research before you come up with your own opinions- don't adopt that of tv, there only there to make money.
2007-03-23 05:13:00
answer #4
answered by tsbski 3
I've been White my whole life, and I've never known anyone like that.
If there were "so many" instances, you'd think I would know of at least a couple of the perps.
You can't uplift your people by disparaging other races.
2007-03-23 05:11:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
a lot of them come from families where they were raised 2 be elitist, & grow up into the world thinking since they r above everybody else,that they can get away with anything they want. scott peterson was always told how perfect he was as a kid. his family called him "the golden son", and look how HE turned out.
2007-03-23 05:22:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
hhaha dude its like this. white people have this sense of entitlement and belonging and will never accept that they are the most savagery oriented race on earth. they will rather sit on their perch and blame everyone around them but themselves. white people are funny like that. they like to pass blame without actually seating down and looking at the mortuary in their closet, never mind skeletons. its well known to every other race in this world except white people that white people are the most evil people on earth. now they might not voice it out, but when they are in their little beer parlours and what not, thats what they talk about
2007-03-23 05:15:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
What a racist bigot!!!!
What about the blacks who shoot people, deal drugs, run prostitutes?
Screw your head back on and think sensible - all colours races and creeds commit crime. Your crime is to encourage racism by being racist!!!
2007-03-23 05:12:02
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Could it be non whites have no Insurance money? hated to do it but i guess stupidity requires more stupidity
2007-03-23 05:13:28
answer #9
answered by jen 5
If that was true than why is it that the majority of people in prison are black?
2007-03-23 05:11:17
answer #10
answered by *Cara* 7