It is called the Mosquito. Invented by Mr. Stapleton.
To download Mosquito ringtones visit.
2007-03-23 05:05:24
answer #1
answered by ambernpeach 4
It is called the MOSQUITO.
People lose a certain frequency after the age of 22, that they no longer are able to hear. They use this high frequency that only those under 22 can hear and it makes them feel not good. Not comfortable.
It has been working and is only turned on when the kids gather out front of a shop. Turned on til the disperse and then off. Sort of like a dogwhistle you cant hear but dogs can.
Good article on it at below link
2007-03-23 12:13:15
answer #2
answered by Father Ted 5
Yes. It is true. Not just teenagers, but all people under the age of 18 or so. As you age, your ability to hear noise in a certain audio frequency is decreased.
So if a noise of that frequency is played loudly, only children, teenagers, and dogs can hear it.
I read an article that they considered using noise in that range to discourage kids from loitering and being truant from school.
2007-03-23 12:05:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I've not heard about it. But you do lose a certain amount of your hearing range as you get older- there are pitches of sounds we can't hear at all- think about those dog whistles which people can't hear as they are so high pitched. So it is possible that they are able to very accurately reproduce a frequency that is within the range of teenagers, but I suspect younger, and possibly people up to 30 ish would be able to hear, as you only lose your hearing range very gradually, but if it's only teenages hanging around perhaps they are more bothered about it, when you wouldnt notice if you walked past so much.
2007-03-23 12:06:50
answer #4
answered by emily_jane2379 5
Never heard about that, but I have a cat scarer that I can hear.
If it's true that there's a gadget emitting high pitched noises and it's affecting peoples pets it should be stopped.
Edit: It's true, I just searched the internet and checked a local BBC website. Personally, I'm more concerned about what it's doing to animals!
2007-03-23 12:14:10
answer #5
answered by ♥ Divine ♥ 6
It's called the Mosquito, due to the pitch of the sound it emits. Apparently only people in age up to their early twenties can hear an annoying sound. Hence the kit's success in 'driving' teenagers away from certain locations. Me? I'm much too old to hear it.
2007-03-23 12:07:53
answer #6
answered by Frank Furillo 5
Its not only teenagers that can hear it. I am 27 years old and can hear it. Its like a really high pitched annoying sound. It drives my cat crazy.
2007-03-23 12:10:34
answer #7
answered by Love 1
It is called the mosquito tone. My daughter did a report on it, but I can hear it. I think those people that have been hard on their ears cannot, like loud concerts and stuff.
My daughters friends are putting that ring tone on their cell phones so that teachers cannot hear them ringing in class.
search mosquito tone and you can hear it.
2007-03-23 12:06:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Its true,I purchased a cat scarer that makes a high pitched sound only cats and foxes can hear,but my grandsons ask me to turn it off as they can hear it.
2007-03-23 12:10:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yeah, I've got it on my mobile. Hilarious watching all the kids in the office ask what's that noise when no-one else can hear it :-)
2007-03-23 12:02:43
answer #10
answered by flyingconfused 5