i think that the way we have run this war since the beginning was foolish we have allowed the media to report on troop activities and other important things so that the insurgents know way too much about us already if we start setting deadlines they know they just have to wait us out and that would be extremely foolish. i think that we should set goals for iraqi people and security but not for our troop withdrawal. i would honestly be scared for that countries future if we were so stupid as to set up timetables for ourselves. i think it would be good to set goals as goals are flexible but what politicians want is not and therefore foolish. but this is only my opinion. hope it is usefull
2007-03-23 05:13:00
answer #1
answered by krista 2
First off look at history when have we ever told our enemy when we were done with the fighting??? Never
Next look at the time line people fall 2008 when is the Presidential election?? Duh political spin yeah I think so
If that were the case why wait until fall 2008 why not next month?? Again Duh Duh and Double Duh
The plan stupid is not cut and run its continue to train and give power over. Cut and run=mass murder is that right?? Oh and not to mention what message you show the rest of the world when this happens?? Think Terror and another 9-11 wont come back to the USA think again use some common sense and show some freakin backbone grow a pair K.
2007-03-23 11:51:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Why is it that the same government that imposes timetables and management protocols/systems on its contractors ridicules the idea that they should be held to the same strictures? Any good manager practices risk analysis and reduction, scheduling, forecasting, asset allocation, etc. Why should we expect any less of our governing bodies?
What ever happened to "As the Iraqis stand up, we'll stand down"? I haven't heard that one in a while, instead we get "surge" and reinforcement of failure. What's the plan?
2007-03-23 11:59:16
answer #3
answered by mattzcoz 5
The bill does not say that all the troops will be removed on that date.
The bill says that that is the latest point by which American troops will BEGIN to leave Iraq.
No one (I repeat, NO ONE) is saying that all U.S. troops currently serving in Iraq should be pulled out by September 2008. Let me say it again: NO ONE IS SAYING THAT.
Beginning a phased withdrawal by that date will ensure that the Iraqis have the motivation to start to control their own security and stop depending on American troops and dollars to provide it for them.
That is NOT a bad thing.
2007-03-23 11:52:03
answer #4
answered by Bush Invented the Google 6
its not foolish.
its smart. this way we leave slowly and can plan how much recources we need out there- ex we will no longer need as much food and gear since less troops will be there
2007-03-23 12:20:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think a time table needs to be set. Otherwise, we risk the Iraqi's just letting our soldiers do the dirty work, indefinitely. If there is a set date, than we have a "common goal".
2007-03-23 11:41:49
answer #6
answered by T S 5
It doesn't matter, the bill will be vetoed, if it makes it past the Senate.
2007-03-23 11:40:48
answer #7
answered by Groovy 6
WAY beyond foolish. Try stupid, demented or even treasonous.
2007-03-23 11:56:05
answer #8
answered by yupchagee 7