I have been reading the works of V.S Ramachandran but nothing I have found so far completely explains this phenoma. I understand the concept of body schema but the phantom nose explanation does not give me a satifactory answer to the posed question. Please help, I have to give a presention on this question shortly. Thanks
6 answers
asked by
Chris DXB
Social Science
➔ Psychology
Phantom limb pain can for many subjects be relieved with the use of a mirror box to create the illusion the apendage has returned, which in turn can help relive pain. Phantom nose effect is a creatable illusion - subject is blindfolded, an acomplice sits oposit the experimenter taps the subjects nose whilst with their left hand takes the subjects finger & taps the acomplices nose at exactly the same rate. The subject will begin to feel their nose has been stretched. But this only works if you are blindfolded.... WHY
04:58:46 ·
update #1
Phantom limb pain can for many subjects be relieved with the use of a mirror box to create the illusion the apendage has returned, which in turn can help relive pain. Phantom nose effect is a creatable illusion - subject is blindfolded, an acomplice sits oposit the experimenter taps the subjects nose whilst with their left hand takes the subjects finger & taps the acomplices nose at exactly the same rate. The subject will begin to feel their nose has been stretched. But this only works if you are blindfolded.... WHY
04:59:55 ·
update #2