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What you think of all the movies? Who is your favorite turtle?
Has anyone seen that new one?

I liked Raphael!!


2007-03-23 03:18:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies

To the one about liking Raphael.. i did too.. even though he was a turtle..
Ya the cartoons back in the day were a lot better......

2007-03-23 04:21:14 · update #1

12 answers

i like them and i'm 26! and i still know all of the words to the cartoon's theme song (from when i was growing up). my brother and i were talking about the tmnt last night and he thinks that for all of the people who are badmouthing the movie, if you got them one on one, they would admit that they secretly loved them too and can't wait to see the movie.

when my siblings and i reenacted the tmnt when we were little, i was always raphael

2007-03-23 03:55:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I grew up with the Ninja Turtles and have all the old movies on tape. I used to envy April, because Raphael liked her! I was so silly! Do you think its possible to have a "crush" on a turtle? Well, I did back then! I'm not sure the new movie is that great - I've heard really bad reviews.

2007-03-23 03:35:23 · answer #2 · answered by Melissa 2 · 2 0

I love the Ninja Turtles. Me and my two sons have always watched them. My boys are almost grown now but we still like them. I haven't seen the new movie yet but look forward to it. My favorite turtle is Michealanjelo.

2007-03-23 03:31:52 · answer #3 · answered by Texas Pineknot 4 · 1 0

i have loved the ninja turtles from day one!!! im a girl and i begged my mom to buy me the ninja turtles figurines when i was little!! i loved michaelango and the buff rabbit! i had both of them and i think i had a motorcycle or something for them to ride on!! i still have my movie pin, which is very large, that i received when the first movie came out and they passed the pins out for free :) i cant wait to see what they have done with the movie and the characters!!!

2007-03-23 04:00:42 · answer #4 · answered by wolvie 6 · 0 0

I like the old cartoons, I use to watch them. The new ones aren't great. As for the films, I think they were quite good, but the costumes were a little too fake looking. Plus, splinter wasn't quite like he was in the cartoon, which was a little disappointing.
I haven't seen the new one, is it even out yet?

2007-03-23 03:41:35 · answer #5 · answered by Skippy 5 · 0 1

The original catroon turtles from the 80s/90s were so much better than the ones today. The first movie was good but the other ones didn't really entertain me all that much. The new movie looks horrible.
My favorite was always Michaelangelo.

2007-03-23 03:58:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Took my son last night for his 10th bday, it was good, not the best movie in history, but it was good. I would even watch it again.

I would say Raphael was my fave in the movie.

2007-03-23 04:16:10 · answer #7 · answered by Shadow Kat 6 · 0 0

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT or Ninja Turtles) are a fictional team of four turtle mutants, who are trained by their sensei, Master Splinter, to become skilled ninja warriors. From their home in the sewers of Manhattan, they battle petty criminals, evil megalomaniacs, and alien invaders, all while remaining isolated from society at large.

The TMNT originated in an American comic book published by Mirage Studios in 1984. The concept arose from a comical sketch by Kevin Eastman during a casual evening of brainstorming with his friend Peter Laird. Using money from a tax refund together with a loan from Eastman's uncle, the young artists self-published a single issue comic intended to parody two of the most popular comics of the early 1980s: Marvel Comics' The New Mutants, which featured teenage mutants, and Frank Miller's work on Daredevil, which featured ninja clans dueling for control of the New York City underworld.[1]

Much of the Turtles' mainstream success is owed to a licensing agent who sought out Eastman and Laird to propose wider merchandising opportunities for the offbeat property. In January 1990, they visited the offices of Playmates Toys Inc, a small California toy company who wished to expand into the action figure market. Accompanied by the popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series, the TMNT were soon catapulted into pop culture history. At the height of the frenzy, the Turtles' likenesses could be found on a wide range of children's merchandise, from PEZ dispensers to skateboards, breakfast cereal, toothpaste, school supplies and cameras.

Today, there is a resurgence in the Turtles' popularity with the success of the recent animated series, a new line of Playmates action figures, Ubisoft video games, and a new computer-animated feature film released March 23, 2007.

2007-03-23 03:36:03 · answer #8 · answered by ponkeyrumu 2 · 0 3

At first i didn't want to see it. But, the little kid in me is just begging to go watch it...So, i think I'll check it out tonight.

my favorite turtle is "Leo"

2007-03-23 03:53:57 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

An old fad trying to be revamped. I never saw the attraction their first time around.

2007-03-23 03:24:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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