i think is up to the person to decide if she want abortion.
2007-03-22 19:59:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Do you mean, arguments that abortion is bad?
Or, arguments that the choice to have an abortion should be made only by the govt, and not by the individual?
Because they are entirely unrelated arguments. One has to do with religious issues about definitions of life. The other is about what the government is allowed to force people to do.
As to the first, those who believe life begins at conception also usually believe that all life is sacred. Thus, any termination of life is unacceptable. Including termination of the life inside the pregnant woman.
As to the second, the argument is that people should not be allowed to make choices that are contrary to common morality or that harm others. If you believe that life begins are conception (a religious definition) then killing that life is immoral, and would count as harm to another. Under that theory, the state has a right to prevent that harm. Basically, the life of the unborn is of higher value than the mother being able to decide whether she wants to be involved.
2007-03-23 03:00:01
answer #2
answered by coragryph 7
Okay I'll do my best. No morality no resources. Okay when that child is first concieved it is considered to be alive, and therefore should be protected under the same constitutional freedoms that we all enjoy. I have no intent toward punishing women in this situation. However on the same side, I really dont think its right to punish an individual for circumstances beyond their control with death. I dont believe that these unborn children have done anything worth dying for and shouldnt be killed unless its a situation that directly threatens the life of the mother or the child, is immediate in onset, and cannot be otherwise avoided.
2007-03-23 03:10:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Someone above said, "If you're not a GOD. beliving person, then think about your life.. take a breath. think about your heart bea. : Do you make your heart beat? do you remember to breath? nope. . lol.. I jst mention that because I can prove that GOD is real."
Sir, please go and get yourself an education. The REASON why you don't need to think about breathing or pumping your heart is based on simple physiology. The medulla oblangata in your brain stem has receptors which regularly sends nerve signals to your diaphragm that makes it contract. Your heart beats automatically because of autorhythmic cells in the top of your right atrium. You can read about the heart pacemaker here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiac_pacemaker
Try to look stuff up before you give it up to the supernatural. I mean when the doctor taps your knee and your leg kicks, do you point a finger up to Heaven and thank God for that one? Of course not, it's simply a reflex that your body already has.
By no means am I anti-God or anything of the sort. I simply find it incredibly irritating when people claim to be able to prove God exists, or involve the supernatural in society's issues (e.g., abortion). For the last time, you CANNOT PROVE NOR DISPROVE GOD. If anybody could do either, we would've heard of it long ago.
To touch on the original topic, what REALLY bothered me about pro-lifers using religious arguments was this: there was just an anti-abortion really in Poland, and one person there was quoted as saying, "Only God has the power to give life; only God should be able to take it away." When you combine that with their desire to make abortion even from rape cases illegal, this makes one wonder: if only God can give life, then why would he choose to create life from rape? From one of the most heinous of violent acts? That isn't fair or just or good according to ANY moral or ethical standard. You're punishing the victim, adding insult to injury, and reminding them everyday of what happened. It makes no sense at all. Maybe the victim will want to keep the baby. That's all well and good, but what if she doesn't? Will you tell that person to their face, NO, you are going to keep and raise the child of your assaulter?
In my opinion, abortion vs no abortion simply comes down a priority of principles. On both sides, you sacrifice some moral principle for another. It comes down to which you are more willing to sacrifice. I don't enjoy the idea of letting a fetus die, but I am more concerned with the quality of life and with freedom of choice.
2007-03-28 19:12:07
answer #4
answered by Yarrrr 2
I am pro-life after 3 months of pregnancy. Let's take it step by step...
If I had sex with a girl, used a condom, and then throw the condom in the garbage, have I destroyed a human life? No. I destroyed a precursor to life, not a life. Level of guilt: none
If I had sex with a girl, did not use a condom, and then she used the morning after pill to prevent conception, did she destroy a human life? No. She destroyed a precursor to life, not a life. Level of guilt: none
If I had sex with a girl, did not use a condom, and she got pregnant, and then had an abortion a few weeks later when the zygote is still undifferentiated, did she destroy a human life? No. She destroyed a precursor to life, not a life. Level of guilt: moderate
If I had sex with a girl, did not use a condom, and she got pregnant, and then had an abortion a 2 months later when the zygote is differentiated but does not have functional vital organs or a brain, did she destroy a human life? No. She destroyed a precursor to life, not a life. Level of guilt: moderate to high
If I had sex with a girl, did not use a condom, and she got pregnant, and then had an abortion 3 months later when the zygote is fully differentiated as an embryo with a full compliment of vital organs and a brain, did she destroy a human life? You bet. Level of guilt: very high
2007-03-29 15:58:28
answer #5
answered by realisminlife 2
It's a living human being, and it should be given a chance to make it without having to get scraped by a coathanger.. My opinion is that people who say that it is better to be killed than to live in poverty is just sick and twisted. And besides, there are infertile couples waiting in extremely long lines to adopt. Most have to adopt from another country because there is nobody to adopt here. Anyway, women have choice, it's with who and when they decide to open up their legs. After that it should be God, or Mother Natures choice if the fetus lives or dies. And like the poster mentioned above, there is no more selfish act than to have sex when and with whoever you want, then kill a human fetus to retain the freedom and financial benefits of the single life.
2007-03-23 03:09:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No minds will be changed on abortion. You are either for it or against it. Abortion is a convenient way to discard a mistake by an irresponsible women. Recreational sex has it's price. A victim of rape is another matter.
2007-03-26 17:14:10
answer #7
answered by edward m 4
What if that child you killed was supposed to grow up and cure cancer or aids?
Life begins at conception (the first line in my high school biology text book) Unborn children already know the sound of their parents voices. I would never tell you or your daughters you couldn't have an abortion, but I hope you would spend a long time thinking about your options.
2007-03-23 03:08:44
answer #8
answered by dakota29575 4
a reason i belive abortion is dum is becouse its murder. i dont belive its murder i know it is. atheists belive its ok couse they think the child isent alive or nor can it survive on its own but do they no that most kids up to the ages of 14 cant survive on their own, but does that give us a right to kill them no. if u killed the baby after 6 hours of birth would that consider as murder yes ,what if u killed the baby after 2 hours of birth that would still consider as murder ,how about 10 minutes still murder ,what if u killed the baby 2 minuted before it was born would that be murder?
if u got melested y kill the baby did the baby melest u no. then y not give the baby a chance kill the melester instead.
2007-03-23 03:17:12
answer #9
answered by mike 1
a life is a life whether its fully formed or not. we have no way of knowing if it feels pain or not. and i feel that its wrong to rob a living soul of the chance of life. if people don't want kids then get fixed. the child has no say in its creation or in its destruction.
2007-03-23 02:59:54
answer #10
answered by Peace 6
Certainly. It is scientific fact that humans form at conception. There is no point after that in human development at which one can say "today this is a child, but yesterday it was not." That is magic, not science. There was never any debate until sexually irresponsible people manufactured one in order to gain the right to murder children. If one opposes murder, one would oppose abortion.
2007-03-23 03:01:05
answer #11
answered by Anonymous