The thing about morals is that not everyone agrees on what is good morals and what isn't.
What I see as an immoral and barbaric murder someone else may see as a moral and God-glorifying act. Someone may see homosexual relationships as immoral while I see them as beautiful love and on the opposite find it immoral to try to stop this kind of love.
It all depends on from which side you see things, which is why morals are often controversial. We don't all agree on what's moral and what we need protection from.
2007-03-23 00:39:07
answer #1
answered by undir 7
Who defines which morals we should follow and which we shouldn't, though?
Is stealing wrong when you have nothing to eat and no one will help you? I may not like the majority of thieves, but I would also be willing to help someone if they were REALLY in need. Not everyone would.
If you break into my house, have a gun to my head, and I have a knife that I jab into your stomach. I call the cops and ambulance, attempt CPR, but they're too late, and I've killed you. Is murder THEN wrong? I've done what I can to save you, though you've threatened MY life, but I've still killed you.
For centuries, the Catholic Church (not picking on Catholics here, they're only ONE example) kept a firm grip on the morality of the church world. Yet there were still murders, still thievery, still rapes, still beatings. People CHOSE to do those things, regardless of the consequences and morals. And in many instances, some of the church's dogma ALLOWED those things to happen - they allowed the killing of people who weren't Christian, they allowed the beating of wives by husbands, they allowed the pillaging and burning of cities who worshiped "false idols". Would you trust and love morals in THAT situation? And that's only ONE of the religions of the world that have done this, one of the cultures who have allowed this to happen.
It boils down to the fact that what I think of morality might be different than what YOU do....and whose version is the right one?
2007-03-22 20:06:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes, morals can mean many things, and no, I would not like to be stolen from or killed. Many people take the word "morals" to mean their sexual behavior--and they don't want government interference on that personal level.
Personally, I would like to see people staying married (at least not going into a marriage with prenups--as though expecting it not to last). I would like to see people start saving 'it' for marriage again--like that's gonna happen lol. The reason I would like to see these types of things is because young kids are suffering--they do need two parents in the same home, to grow up to be better people.
2007-03-22 19:46:47
answer #3
answered by Holiday Magic 7
I understand where you're coming from. Even in the media. TV programs have changed so much from how they were in the early days. Even just from the 90's until now. If a show had positive messages it was seen as "too preachy" even if the message was good and necessary.
Nowadays it's cool to be into drugs and if you're against drugs or even if you hate watching "Vampire Diaries" you're "old and stuffy." Ignore those who hate you for being you and do what you know is right regardless of persecution. This generation seems to be under some sort of spell where they can't distinguish right from wrong. Have compassion.
2015-10-03 12:09:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Research says not so fast. Moral is as moral is told. But Ethics predates morals, morals is what you complain with when it's your old lady getting wild, and morals is what you say is subjective when your old lady is your neighbors. Ethics is subjective, sure, situational, but reasonable. Gimme ethics and I won't complain, maybe whine a little, but shove some litany of morality down my throat and we do get to hate, fast..
2007-03-22 20:45:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
That is a really good question...just as good vs. evil, why? The adversary is very strong, especially now with media, etc. Hope someday to see a conservative movement come back so that morals can be a good thing again.
2007-03-22 19:39:26
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I dont hate morals. I wish people had more of them instead of acting like savages.
2007-03-22 19:40:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous