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I know crazy pple don't think they are crazy and certainly won't ask if they are. Well I just want to know if what is happening to me is all in my head or what. If you have been through what I am saying then please tell me. I don't want to be crazy. Well I've never been close to anyone who has passed away. It all started when I was young. I'd have a feeling that someone was watching me. As I grew older things became worst. My stepdad's brother died and I'd start feeling as if he was around watching. He'd come in my dreams to tell me somthing. He'd just show up whenever my stepdad was up to no good. He'd show up and my stepdad would be caught either drinking again,doing weed, or cheating. Aslo he came in my dream in a story once. He was a young boy skinny and had a dog with him. I'd go up to him and the dog would snap at me. I told my stepdad that and he freaked it seems his brother was the skinnest of them and had a dog that would bite anyone that came near him. I'd had no knowledge of

2007-03-22 18:37:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

this and he was the biggest one of the 4 brothers so I couldn't of known he was skinny as a kid. Well also his aunt died I didn't know which one but on the day of her funeral(keep in mind I was unaware it was her funeral) she came and sat on my bed I got a since of the color red. I asked my stepdad which aunt died and it was his aunt ruby. I've had dreams in which other spirets will come to me and tell me stuff. I have to keep my light on at night and music on because right before I nodd off to bed I hear voices and sometimes see them. I don't know if its all real. Or in my head. I don't know if I want it to go away or own it. Can anyone help me please. I've only told my closes friends. It seems the older I get the more these things come to me. I am asking for any help. Plz be seriouse this isn't a joke.

2007-03-22 18:41:59 · update #1

My religion is christian and through these dreams I can vividly remember them and I pray to God in them. I ask him to help. Some of my dream "visiters" are scary and that's when I pray in my dreams.

2007-03-22 18:43:52 · update #2

I've even had dreams that had came true.

2007-03-22 18:45:16 · update #3

plus when i have these dreams i wake up with a migrane. i hope all that information helps.

2007-03-22 18:51:29 · update #4

I've just remember this. I have been thinking about all this. I remember when I was about 2yrs old I looked out my bedroom window and I could clearly see an Indian tribe. I thought it was real. When I told my mom she made me go sleep the room with my brother and told me there was nothing there. I looked out his window and I still saw it. To this day I remember it being as real as you and me. That was when I lived out around the woods.

2007-03-23 01:05:18 · update #5

9 answers

You my friend are slightly clairvoyant! Which is what I am...a clairvoyant/medium! Seeing this when you are younger means it's a "gift" ~ and if it's still happening to you...You have NOT outgrown this GIFT...most people have it when they are babies..cause babies can sense those who have passed ...but they either start to ignore it..or they continue to see this. That's what has happened to you. You are more open to this than others.

2007-03-23 00:33:30 · answer #1 · answered by just me 4 · 1 0

No you are not crazy when your family members pass over they do come back to check in on you and to protect and guide you if they need to communicate with you and don't want to scare you they will come to you in your dreams.

This is to explain to you what spirit is
A Ghost is a Spirit which is a Soul the Etheric body that we use to Astral Travel so when we pass over that is what leaves the body.
It is understood as a sort of life force body or aura that constitutes the "blueprint" of the physical body, and which sustains the physical body.
Some people don't pass over because of unfinished business or they just don't know they have died or they didn't know to go to the light, this is what people call a Ghost I call Spirit some call Lost Souls
And no they do not cause any harm

This is more information you will find interesting

Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience
In life we are all different therefore we will all perceive or be sensitive to energy differently and there are four ways to interpret an incoming thought, pattern or energy. Most of us will perceive primarily by one and partially by the other three.
Clairaudience - Intuitive
This is a person who will pick up a thought and hear it. This persons mental or intellectual understanding is very important and they can make good leaders. We all know someone that we would say was a mental person, always having to understand mentally. They carefully think things through. If this person were to become enlightened they would have the ability to become a medium, someone who channels information from entities who have passed over, because their most heightened sensitivity is to hear.
Clairvoyance- Visionary
This is a person who will pick up a thought and see it. This person has the ability to transform a thought into a vision, symbol or in colour by using their mind's eye. If an artist, a decorator, a creative person, someone who mainly uses the right side of their brain were to become enlightened they would have the ability to read auras, our chakras, draw guides and this is how they would channel what they received because the ability to see images is their most heightened sensitivity.
Clairsentience - Prophetic (1)
This is a person who will pick up a thought and just knows it. This person is sensitive to precognition and has hunches, dreams and knowings and this person usually deals with the future or present and how it will affect another. If you were to meet an enlightened Prophetic you would be able to get some information about your 'line of probability', tomorrow is not set in time remember. This could be a person who has a dream about something and that dream turns out to happen in reality. They have the ability of prediction because they 'just know' and can tune into and understand their hunches.
Clairsentience - Feeler (2)
This is a person who will pick up a thought and transform it immediately into a feeling. This persons life can revolve around how it feels to them. Their sense of touch is well-developed and they have the ability to know people by feeling what they feel. After enlightenment, this is someone would have the ability to practice psychometry. The ability to put something belonging to someone in their hand and read the energy. Depending on their other gifts, they could tell the past, present or future from the energy. They have the ability to feel how others feel but only on the emotional level. They will be able to not only empathise but experience their pain, loss, grief etc. For instance, if they were to channel energy from a persons past life they would experience the pain and hurt that that soul experienced in that past lifetime.

I hope this may have helped you if not please message me

Love & Blessings

2007-03-23 03:50:37 · answer #2 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 0 0

I have no answers to your questions. All I know it is believed that some people have guides from the spiritual world. You might be one of them.

I just dare suggest this, light up a candle and ask God or whoever you believe in for guide. Then wait and things will come up by themselves.

One thing more, if I were I would hang up to the real world, don't focus too much energy on these things. When you see clearly what you want to do, take a step forward, meanwhile keep on living.

2007-03-23 07:24:35 · answer #3 · answered by Nraf 2 · 0 0

Be careful! Spirits are masters of trickery! They can tell you things that it would seem only one person could know but remember they can be anywhere (like in your room when you're trying to sleep) so they have access to all kinds of knowledge too. Just be careful and don't believe what they say. They may be who they claim to be but chances are there is some other motivation for talking to you so they take on a form or identity that you will be familiar with.
Use caution, because you are dealing with something real.

2007-03-23 02:11:28 · answer #4 · answered by kgconcerned 2 · 0 0

Well, someone, it seems that you have a rare gift there. Very few people are able to contact the other world, although there are many who claim to be able to. Stay with it. Say little or nothing to your family at the present - it seems that your mother's partner is a bit off the planet, so share as little as possible with him. As you grow older, this may settle down, and you may lose the skill. Perhaps you might like to quietly get in touch with someone who's good at psychometry (look it up), and quietly work on the control of your gift in that way, and expand as you mature.. Good fortune!

2007-03-23 01:47:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think your crazy, I am a firm believer in the super natural. Seems to me you're clairvoyant, which is slowly but hopefully surely earning it's respect as a gift that real people can have. I used to have weird dreams like that myself and my entire family tells people I have premonitions. For example, my mom used to have drug problems (coc) and it used to scare me when she would leave in her car while high. My mom left w/ my little brother one night (2 at the time) and she didn't seem high, so I wasn't as worried as usual, and they went to go visit my grandmother. I got tired and went to bed early and remember this vividly, I dreamt that my little brother was scared and crying and woke up about 2 am more worried than ever before. I checked for my mom and brother and neither were home, but I spent the rest of the morning up trying to locate them. Hours later Social services and 2 cops came to my house to tell me that my mom was arrested, my brother was w/ her and is in their custody until it's settled. Of course it was, she got help, we got my brother back and she's clean. But to me that was the most REAL yet SURREAL occurance in my life.

2007-03-23 02:04:06 · answer #6 · answered by donovansmami 2 · 0 0

I'm not sure.

The best thing you can do is learn some psychic protection. I wrote a blog entry at my Yahoo 360 blog that explains several ways of psychic protection.

Try some of those methods. If that stops the dream visitors; you know your visitations are real. If those forms of psychic protection does not help you; then go see a doctor.

2007-03-23 06:25:42 · answer #7 · answered by Rev. Two Bears 6 · 0 0

That is a little scary and I'm worried you are dealing with demonic issues possibly. Do you have any sort of religion?

2007-03-23 01:42:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a blessing in disguise. It's also a curse. Try to be happy that your special. You have a gift and that's all it is.
Your not crazy.

2007-03-23 09:14:05 · answer #9 · answered by Pixie 4 · 0 0

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