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For example a movie that has affected the way you behave, dress, look, or provoke lfelong fears, beliefs, or desires.

2007-03-22 18:06:08 · 8 answers · asked by ana3 2 in Entertainment & Music Movies

8 answers

Running With Scissors.
i have been going to a psychiatrist and as he keeps trying to prescribe me more and more and MORE medications for every little thing he can think of. I get more and mroe freaked out because I do not want to turn out like the woman in that movie. ..... i think about the movie every time i'm in there
i want to stop psychiatry altogether cause i'm so afraid of what these medicines are gonna end up doing to me.. :/

on a completely different note, fear and loathing in las vegas has made me really really wanna drive to las vegas w/ a trunk full of contraband.....lol

OH YEAH -- and Blue Crush influenced me to start cleaning hotel rooms (for 3 yrs now..) so i can get some experience for when i move to a tropical island...
ha, maybe i let movies influence me a little too much?

2007-03-22 18:17:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

This might not be terribly introspective or profound, but I'd have to say 'Jaws' is the movie that impacted my life like no other. I live 10 minutes from the ocean and simply can't go in the water because of that flick.

2007-03-23 01:59:51 · answer #2 · answered by zapcity29 7 · 0 0

For me, it's "The Aviator." This movie talks about a man who has OCD (obssesive compulsive disorder) up to the point of kinda ruining his life and his mental health. This man was just afraid to open doorknobs, afraid of dirt and he kept repeating what he's saying. I myself am an obssesive compulsive person and because of this movie, I now fear what might happen to me if I don't overcome my fear of opening doorknobs and my fear of dirt.

2007-03-23 01:36:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Definatly "Gone With The Wind" It shows me how you have to be greatful for what you have. Also to appreciate you Spouse, and not hold on to the past. A classic movie that has touched my heart.

2007-03-23 01:13:48 · answer #4 · answered by Amy F 2 · 0 0

For me it was the movie "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever" I got so interested in reincarnation and past lives.

2007-03-23 01:09:56 · answer #5 · answered by ⊂( ゚ ヮ゚)⊃ 4 · 0 0

For me its Memoirs of a Geisha. It made me look at Geisha's in a completly differant perspecitve, I absolutely love that movie.

2007-03-23 01:14:15 · answer #6 · answered by Nicole 3 · 0 0

Dead Poets Society. Everytime I see that movie I feel so inspired... like I want to do something great.

2007-03-23 01:16:14 · answer #7 · answered by Carrie 6 · 0 0

the secret changed everything in my life

2007-03-23 01:58:46 · answer #8 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

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