Sorry, this is kind of a personal question because my cousin committed suicide after trying LSD once. I'm just wondering what exactly is the appeal of taking drugs.
25 answers
asked by
Drop of Golden Sun
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
He killed himself after the high wore off.
17:48:22 ·
update #1
This isn't particulary recent, really. It's just a question that's been bugging me for a while and I needed to hear points of view that aren't sheltering me. Most of my friends that would know think I'm too innocent to hear anything about stuff like that.
22:59:39 ·
update #2
sorry for your cousin
Next about the drug addiction first people start taking drugs for their pshycological satisfaction like youngster take them as for fun or any mental problems etc... later they psycologically as well as their body depends on drugs called as DRUG DEPENDENCE and so until and unless they dont take the drugs their body wont able to function and drug withdrawl symptoms like Vomitings, body cramps and sometimes more severe withdrawl symptoms may be present. this leads the drug addict weak mentally and physically which lead them to commit suicide or any other major offencese
And if anybody wants to quit drug addiction a proper care and slowly drug dosage are reduce so that severe drug withdrawl symptom can be avioded.
But ultimately TO STOP this drug addiction, we youngsters have to be aware of it.
2007-03-22 21:55:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Sorry to hear about your cousin. I think that people like drugs for many different reasons. The term drugs is a very broad term. It can mean anything from prescription medicine, alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis, psychedelics, amphetamines and opiates such as heroin.
I think that some people are wrong to assume that people who use banned substances are "low lifes" and "dumbasses". I think there are legiminate reasons for why people use banned substances such as cannabis. For some people the reason may be becausee they have diseases such as Cerebral Palsy, or have arthritis cannabis has been proven as a safe and natural way of helping to relieve the pain that these people are going through. I also think that some people use cannabis to relax and chill out at the end of the day. Just like how some people come home and have a glass of wine or a beer. Some people use it in religious ceremonies to meditate. Some people use it socially just like alcohol. I think is it wrong to assume that every one that uses banned substances are evil criminal junkies of some sort that have abanded all there friends and family for drugs. I'm sure that there are some people out there that have done that. But not every one. Ilegal substances can be used resonibily just like alcohol.
Some people like to use psychedelics to expand there mind and take away filter that the human find normally has so that they are able to see things from everyones perspective. I don't think that LSD and other drugs should be blammed for some one committing suciside. Maybe this person was not in the right state of mind for taking this drug which has led to a negative experience.
I do agree that there are people that use for drugs for the wrong reason, but this is not the case with everyonje.
2007-03-22 18:31:17
answer #2
answered by mark_wilso 2
Well I never have tried LSD, but I have smoked pot back in the day....The reason I liked doing it was because it was like a mini get just totally relaxed me..but after a few months of doing it I noticed that I was not caring so much about school or work or the way I looked...Then after that I got depressed so needless to say I stoped...Anyways I am sorry to hear about your cousin committing LSD...Was this person on LSD when they did this or was it after it wore off...if you do not want to answer that I totally can respect that.
2007-03-22 17:45:55
answer #3
answered by Jay D 1
It was not the acid that killed your cousin. That would be ignorant to believe that. Plenty of people take that stuff and never kill themself, obviously your cousin had a deeply rooted problem and he felt like that was the answer. If you blame the acid, then you will miss the real issue at hand. That your cousin had a sickness and no longer wanted to be here anymore. He is in a better place now. Honestly, lots of the above answers do not have a clue about what they are talking about. I do because of experience, life is short there is nothing wrong with havng a good time. People can say what they want but the truth is they do not know because they have never done it. Its drug abuse that kills and it's dangerous because if you start it's hard to stop, butyou can learn a lot of things that you just cannot learn sober. Some take you to different dimensions inside the brain.
2007-03-22 18:02:59
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Sorry to hear that about your cousin, my condolences to you. I think that many people start by the group oppression because they weren't good picking up friend and then they try to fit, something else could be the illusion to scape from reality that many young people have, another one related with my last point is to escape from problems, many people use drugs to do as the ostrich does, which hides the head in earth thinking that if they don't see the problems these will go away. Something else is that in the world of today parents are to busy to listen to us and some of these people don't know how to talk to them either. We need to listen and also we need to talk. Is better to say no from the very first time and if you have a doubt, don't keep it, talk out, there are many people ready to listen and to help.
Drugs are bad, period, there isn't a middle point.
2007-03-22 17:56:29
answer #5
answered by Javy 7
OK that's very rare, that things like that happen. I've eaten WAY to much acid back in my day, and I never did that. I'm talking 30-40 hits at a time, but anyway. It's fun. I wont touch the stuff anymore, it's really lost it's appeal, but as for others, as Meth or E well they are still incredibly fun drugs. I don't do it like I used to. And haven't touched it in years, but it's still fun every now and again.
2007-03-22 17:45:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. I think people just get so lost and so alone. It may be a result of things that have happened in their lives or it may be a chemical imbalance of some sort in their brains. Either way it is unfortunate and such ashame.
2007-03-22 17:45:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The rush or the numbness or the weirdness of the experience. Some people use drugs to escape when they feel depressed or hopeless about their lives. Some people use drugs to make them feel more confident. Some out of boredom. Some out of curiosity.
There's lots of reasons. It depends on the person.
2007-03-22 17:45:57
answer #8
answered by Underground Man 6
drugs are like anything else in life everything in moderation can be just fine for some people but the problem starts with overindulgence every one in this world has a "crutch" or two and everything can be that crutch.whether it's drugs sex food religion work alcohol shopping reading running coffee stress drama every one has to have something that they feel helps them get by or deal with life and living day to day does that help or just confuse you more?
2007-03-22 17:55:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Very good question, I think most people do it to be cool....but personally id rather be a loser. I do not mean it in a bad way, but I don't really think peer pressure has anything to do with it, people have brains and can make decisions for really peer pressure isn't as common as you think. Ive been to parties with all types of drugs and I have never been pressured into doing any of that illegal stuff.
I am sorry about your cousin :(
2007-03-22 17:45:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous