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My daughter has a 1 1/2 gallon tank with one Beta Fish. She wants to get a another fish. Will a Beta attack everything?

2007-03-22 17:35:41 · 9 answers · asked by ublion 1 in Pets Fish

9 answers

Good grief what answers... a baby Koi.... koi get to be 18" or more.

Anyway... Bettas are very peaceful fish except when it comes to their own kind. The biggest worry about tank mates is the betta getting picked on. With a 1.5 gallon tank you have quite limited options for a tank mate though. White Clouds will do reasonable well as a single fish and will stay small enough not to be too large for the tank. A single male guppy should be ok as well. One small cory catfish would be a nice addition and they are fun to watch, very active little fish. Limited options, but a few good choices to choose from.

Happy fish keeping to you and your daugther.


2007-03-22 17:48:07 · answer #1 · answered by magicman116 7 · 4 1

It shouldn't, it should only attack another male Beta. It may pick at the fins a bit of another fish if it's half the size or smaller of your Beta, but attack is not the word. The only thing is that the ammonia will go up too high if you put another fish in a 1 1/2 gallon. The rule of thumb is one 1 inch fish per gallon of water.

You could start a 5 or 10 gallon community tank (guppies, danios, platty's, molly's) and put the Betta in with them.

*btw, Beta's and goldfish are the only freshwater fish I know of that don't require water filters or heat. Any other types of fish will need those to survive as they are considered tropical.

2007-03-23 01:02:26 · answer #2 · answered by Cedar_2006 3 · 1 1

It really depends on the temperment of the fish...do not-whatever you do- DO NOT get another betta. start with a very small fish like a baby coi and see if they get along...best was to do it without hurting the other fish is by leaveing him in the bag and placing it in the tank with the betta for several minutes after bringing it home and seeing how the beta reacts to the bag. if it attacks, don't put that fish, or any other fish for that matter, in the same tank.

Edit: just because the fish is not another beta does not mean it won't attack. I have had several different kinds of fish in a tank before and have had two beta that killed everything else in the tank, but another beta that got along with the other fish just fine. as another person suggested, a divider between the fish may be a good idea.

2007-03-23 00:41:37 · answer #3 · answered by omithechickengoddess 3 · 0 6

Bettas are territorial in anything under 5 gallons. If you want to mix fish upgrade the tank size to 5 gallons and get a filter and a heater. Bettas are actually tropical fish and need a constant temp of 78-80 degrees in order to be healthy and happy.

Cedar- Goldfish DO NEED a filter. They need alot of dissolved oxygen in the water.

Goldfish and koi are cold water fish and should never be housed with warm water tropicals. They also excrete copious amounts of ammonia and get huge. Fancy goldfish grow to 10-12 inches even tho ive seen 14 inch black moors and have a picture of Bruce the 15 inch red oranda. Comets and shubunkins get 12-14 inches, common goldfish can get 2 ft and koi get 3 ft. If properly cared for goldfish can live 30 plus yrs, while koi can live over 100 yrs.

Bettas have a lifespan of 4-5 yrs if properly cared for.
Decent tank mates for bettas in my opinion are
white cloud mountain minnows, neon tetras, bloodfin tetras, cory cats, ottocinclus, apple snails, platys, cardinal tetras, glo light tetras, pristellas, rasboras, pencilfish, penguin tetras, leopard danios, phantom tetras, clown loaches, glass catfish. and bala sharks. Ive seen different bettas being housed with fish i just listed off with no problems.

Bad tankmates are
gouramis of any kind, rainbow fish, black tetras, hi fin black tetras, male fancy guppies, paradise fish, anglefish, serpae tetras, tiger barbs, rosy barbs, ruby sharks, red fin black sharks, and other fish that are labled as semi aggressive and aggressive.

** Every betta has a different personality, some can be downright nasty, while others are shy and timid and easily stressed.

2007-03-23 01:52:53 · answer #4 · answered by lady_crotalus 4 · 1 0

The problem with putting other fish in with the beta isn`t the beta fighting them, it`s that the other fish will nip at the betas fins and tear them up. I believe betas will only fight other betas. My beta does perfectly fine in a bowl by himself.

2007-03-23 02:34:16 · answer #5 · answered by truckinmomma123 3 · 0 0

its this simple a betta only fight four fish, 1 a betta 2 a gourami 3 a small feeder guppy 4 paradise fish

it more important to make sure the fish you get isn't a fin nipper or aggressive fish.

ideally tankmates would be small tetras, or cherry barb, goldfish, plecos, or hatchet fish

bad tankmates would be cichilids, tiger barbs and puffers

2007-03-23 03:51:13 · answer #6 · answered by dustmaster69 2 · 0 0

The Fighter WILL attack everything. I had the same problem. It attacked anything I put in including catfish. The only way to keep other fish in the same tank as the Fighter is to get a Perplex (or similar material) divider for the tank. You can get it to be clear so although the fighter can see the other fish he cannot get to them.

2007-03-23 00:42:11 · answer #7 · answered by Giraffe 3 · 0 7

get another male betta and get a video camera and show us the video so we can give u advice if ur betta is fish aggresive.

2007-03-23 01:30:39 · answer #8 · answered by Gilberto 2 · 0 2

Yes, it will. They are solitary fish. You would have to get another tank.

2007-03-23 00:38:40 · answer #9 · answered by The Canadian 3 · 0 7

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