No. Most of us understand that GW Bush is a:
and loves:
Big government
Deficit spending
and hates:
All who disagree with his view of the world
2007-03-22 17:03:20
answer #1
answered by Chi Guy 5
Get an education in grammar before you ask such questions. Bush is just a 'hair' above your level(no offense meant)and that's only because The Supreme Court and some ne'er-do-wells in Ohio helped him get 'non-elected' twice as prez.
'hare' - read 'hate' and 'dislike' are miles apart. America doesn't dislike or hate the man, they hate and dislike what he's done to the presidency and the country!
The 'news' is the only way to 'track' what's going on!!
Where's your capital letters!!
New Orleans - a disgrace - a black mark on Bush and the presidency he represents!!
'propanity'??? ok - 'profanity'. I 'hate' to do it but again, the grammar speaks volumes about the fact that you know nothing of what you speak about.
2007-03-30 23:56:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
He has done some good & some dumb things. He is no Reagan - He either can't or will not speak well in public. His speach writers are marginal at best & he goes down hill from there when he leave the prepared speach. He does state his convictions. He does run the country by polls. If he was a PR firm he would be the example of what not to do. He is smart.
One area that I don't agree with him on is amnesty. If countries are sending us the workers we inturn should get something to cover our (taxpayer) cost.
2007-03-30 22:11:16
answer #3
answered by viablerenewables 7
I'm a conservative Texan, and in the 2000 campaign almost all of us were in Dubya's corner. At this point I don't happen to think he's the best leader, I think it's time for a change. I'm an admitted jingoist, meaning I love my country and I want what is best for the United States. I'm disappointed in his stance on illegal immigration, his overly friendly relationship with the saudi royals, his inability to choose effective leaders (Michael Brown of FEMA, Rumsfeld). We all make mistakes, he just hasn't been very good at admitting to them and learning from them.
But I am not a Bush-basher or hater. The hysterical "blame Bush" and "Bush lied" tactic is so lame and trite. It's like a chant. You notice they never really offer any alternatives, solutions, or even reasons? "I think Bush is stupid and that's it".... that kind of childish remark doesn't help anyone in any way, and it's ironic because it makes the person calling Bush stupid look really stupid. By the way I do think he's intelligent. Liberals measure intelligence by how much you agree with them.
2007-03-23 00:13:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Let's put the following facts aside:
1. Saddam used WMD 15 times
2. The UN passed 17 Resolutions or international law regarding Iraq over a 12 year period.
3. Abu Nidal and Abu Abbas were both living in Iraq as personal guests of Saddam Hussein. If you don't know who they are, please do your research.
4. Bill Clinton fired 93 US Attorneys upon taking office
5. Katrina - poor execution by career government bureaucrats. Remember WACO? Bill Clinton poorly executed that too. Or maybe it was the career bureaucrats under him that screwed that one up. There is no accountability. Same deal at Walter Reed. These are career bureaucrats who have been there for decades. The procedures are so convoluted that nothing gets done.
I have a friend whose Mom worked at the VA Hospital Psychiatric Ward at Great Lakes Naval Base. She had stories that would curl your hair. She retired almost 10 years ago, long before Bush ever took office. After her retirement, she got a part-time job at the county jail. It was a breeze for her compare to the VA Psych ward.
6. The Patriot Act allows government agencies to share information. In addition, the Patriot Act also provides for compensation to families of 9/11 victims. It also provides funding to upgrade first responders. Repeal the Patriot Act and what happens to the victims and first responder funding?
7. Bush set aside thousands of square miles in the South Pacific as wildlife refuge saving coral reefs and endangered habitats. The largest designation is US history.
How soon we forget.
Put your opinion aside, and concentrate on facts. I'm not saying Bush ids right or wrong, but these labels are thrown around so freely without and fact basis.
2007-03-23 00:35:39
answer #5
answered by ? 6
He deliberately lied and took this nation to war so that he and his Texas Oil Chronies could manipulate the Price of Oil.
He and Cheyney have funneled hundreds of Billions of tax payer dollars to Halliburton and it's subsidiaries.
He and his Texas Chronies have made America sinonymous
with Murder, torture, illegal detention and spying on Americans.
2007-03-30 23:06:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Misunderstood ? We have more than enough information on him to come to a conclusion whether we like him or not. He's the President of the United States ! The Iraq war, the handling of New Orleans, the running up of the federal debt., violating our civil liberties, helping the rich at the expense of the poor, and who knows what else. I don't need to know him personally to know that I don't like him. He's done enough in public for me to figure it out.
2007-03-23 00:07:17
answer #7
answered by Count Acumen 5
I believe George Bush to be a liar who cares nothing about this country or the people who have died for it. Where is the integrity in lying?
2007-03-29 02:55:36
answer #8
answered by Jules 3
Nobody should listen to the corporate owned news, and without anybody uttering a sigle word. Just listen to his own words then watch the deeds. Kindest word I can think of is pathetic...Mary
2007-03-29 21:40:42
answer #9
answered by mary57whalen 5
No, just misunderestimated.
I do NOT hate them President. He has made some very poor choices (Brownie and the FEMA disaster, going it alone in Iraq without a UN mandate, cutting taxes during wartime, lying about eavesdropping, etc.) that have made me not trust a word he says.
2007-03-23 00:18:42
answer #10
answered by john_stolworthy 6
People are sheep.
Most people think they have the ability to realize the truth, they do not.
The media and advertising tell most people what to think because that is the easy way out..
2007-03-28 12:50:41
answer #11
answered by Stop the Stupidity 4