opinions seem to be the thing that causes a lot of problems, and do we need opinions to be human?
9 answers
asked by
Social Science
➔ Sociology
blah blah blah your answers are what i expected and there not even your own opinions there opinions that others have passed on and humans are too cocky we arent above other species all we are are blobs of flesh that have minds that can make junk that have always been makeable just took us thousands of years to get to the point where we are right now, but that being said i'm probably some stupid person who sits on the sidelines commenting on stuff that i dont understand like most of you
17:04:19 ·
update #1
an opinion = an idea. how do you live without ideas? you cant just collect facts like they are rocks. i say the cup is red, you say blue...that takes all truth out of the true color of the cup.
i read in a book this quote "there is no such thing as truth, everything is a product of interpretation"
i like it
2007-03-22 16:53:29
answer #1
answered by xyz 3
People are individuals. That means we each have our own thoughts and ideas that are influenced by our culture, our environment, our friends and family, etc. So, there are going to be differences of opinion about pretty much everything. Some of them are major, such as political and religious differences. Others are minor, like whether chocolate ice cream or vanilla ice cream is better. Without opinions, though, life would be incredibly boring. Think about sports. If everyone had the same opinion (and since mine is obviously the correct one, I'll use it for an example), then everyone would be a St. Louis Cardinals fan. And man! Would life ever be boring if there weren't any Cub fans around for me to give a hard time. :)
2007-03-22 23:59:27
answer #2
answered by cool_breeze_2444 6
The beauty about being human is that we are all unique. Whilst we may have opinions, we also have compassion.
Certainly caused a lot of problems here!! You know the old saying - opinions are like a**holes, everybody gets one and there are usually full of s**t!!
2007-03-22 23:55:14
answer #3
answered by Moneta 4
Opinions are like a game we use to play as children, party's, bible study, teachers questions, etc.
One question or verse has many opinions, rarely will you find they all feel the same.
There are exceptions in changing the others thinking thoughts and understanding.
Minds are very mysterious.
We are all human in our own way's.
2007-03-23 15:45:58
answer #4
answered by Scorpy 1
Opinions, ideas, the capacity for thought. Its inherent to us. Isn't our intellect the main aspect of humanity which separates us from the other species that inhabit the planet.
2007-03-22 23:57:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I am a product of every experience I have had, everyone I have ever met, or any books I have read,movies, life, travels. From each one I gain something, good or bad. And yes, we are all entitled to our opinions, and yes, I respect your right to yours.
2007-03-23 05:10:29
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Opinions are our thoughts and where we stand in those thoughts. We can't run from opposing opinions because everyone is different and thus we'll always have different views to analyze. It has it's pros and cons.
2007-03-22 23:54:41
answer #7
answered by luvmuzik 6
~So true. What a lovely world it would be if we were all unthinking ignorant mindless drones. But then, how could we play on the computer? Well, I really have no opinion on that.
2007-03-22 23:59:42
answer #8
answered by Oscar Himpflewitz 7
well we all know that humans are trouble makers LOL
2007-03-22 23:56:45
answer #9
answered by Lovelykiaya 4