It was a roman emperor, from Dalmatia (now in Croatia) and he invented a new way to reign: the "tetrarchie" in french. It means 3 people ruling together to avoid one having too much power. That guy is known for that. He is also well known in Croatia because he build a great palace in Split, who became a great town and is know a beautiful place to visit.
2007-03-23 00:26:37
answer #2
answered by Jacala 2
Most known for Establishing Tetrarchy – rule of four – insures a line of succession for emperor.
Dioceltian’s reforms
• Imperial Absolutism: He restores the prestige of the Emperor. The only one with say.
o Wore Jeweled robes, carried a scepter, wore rings, etc. He to go through channels to get to see him. Bow at his presence. Everything at his mercy.
• Froze the structure of society –whatever occupation you had, so did your child. Farmers were tied to the land. Craftsmen tied to their trade. This was done to reassure economic stability.
• Improve the economy – puts silver back into the coins, standardizes prices of goods, increases tax collection (to support bureaucracy)
• Built up bureaucracy
• Supervised law courts
• Establishes Tetrarchy – rule of four – insures a line of succession for emperor.
o a. divides empired into pars orientalis and pars occidentalis
o b. subdivides each into 2 parts so that person with title Augustus rules one and that with Caesar ruled the other – establishes the rule of four or tetrarchy
o c. Diocletian (east) and Maximian (wast) each appointed a deputy who bore the title Caesar – if anything happened to emperor then Caesar became Emperor
o c. 305 A.D. both Diocletian and Maximian retire – two caesars Constantine I in the West and Galerius in East were duly promoted
2007-03-22 20:33:58
answer #5
answered by Sue S 3
DIOCLETIAN was originally born in a place called ILLYRIA. This was the equivilant of modern day YUGOSLAVIA or SERBIA or CROATIA. Depend what year you are referring to . He was a Roman soldier and was closely associated with Aurelian(restorer of the world) the Roman emperor who defeated Zenobia of Palmyra. He was one of the so called Illyrian emperors(the soldier emperors) who did a lot to stop the rot of the Roman Empire late in the 3rd century A.D.
Diocletian ascended the throne in 284 A.D. and began a serious of reforms. He first divided the empire into two basic divisions, each with a subdivision. The divisions(Eastern and Western parts of the Roman Empire) were ruled by an overlord called an AUGUSTI. Diocletain was an Augusti. In each of the divisions the subdivision(Greece, Macadonia, Thrace, Dyrrachium(Illyria), Moesia, Panneomia, Norcium and Rhaetium in the east)and (Gallica Narbonisis, Aquatania, Ludgementinius, Belgaea, Alps Cottian, Alps Marmetime, Alps Poneone-Province-The Germanies-Inferior and Superior, Vendelicia and Briton in the west) were administered by a junior partner called a CAESAR who was under the appropriate Augustus. The two Augusti administered (Asia, Bythinia, Pontus, Bosphorus, Lycia, Lydia, Phygria, Pisidia, Pamphillia, Commengene, Cappodocia, Galacia, Ohshrone, Pontus, Edessa, Syria and Syria Cohle, Palastinia, Arabias Petrea and Felixia, Egypt Cyrenia, Cyprus and other islands of the eastern Meditteraenian - in the east) and ( Baecticia, Tarraconisis, Lusitania, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, The Baelaric Islands, Africa Proconsulis, Maurentinius Caesarius, Maurentinius Tingerta and the western Meditteraenian islands in the west) and the two Augusti were the overlords of their respective areas. The empire was still the one empire but it was divided decisively for administative purposes. And the emperors divided the provinces further still and renamed many. Also this was a tactic to avoid civil wars that had plagued the empire since the fall of Commodus in 191 A.D. The system was designed so each Caesar stepped up when an Augustus retired or died and in turn appointed their own Caesars and so forth. So there would be a path to sucsession without civil war.
Diocletian next reformed the army itself. He divided the army into a field army and a garrison army. In the past each function was filled by the LEGIONS(field) and the AUXILURIES(garrison). However the legions and auxiluries interacted much much more-there were garrisons of legionaries and auxiluries were attatched to the legions. He also changed their armour and some of their equipment to make them more mobile. And since the population was down after the plague of the late second century(a third of the population was lost), filling the ranks was more difficult-hence Diocletian lowered the standards. Also after the reign of CARACULLA(late second century) every freeborn and free inhabitant of the empire were citizens.
Diocletian then decided to stop the economic rot. He made farmers bound to the land as there had been many abondonments of farms over the recent years. He also tied people to their father's and current occupation-they could not leave it. He then issued price and wages edicts which set the price of everthing from a ship to a loaf of bread. He set wages for everone from the most skilled master tradesman and craftsmen and most senior managers to the humble labourer. To get more wealth and money he debased the coinage and made people give up their gold, silver, bronze and coppe coinage for debased coinage. He also began taxing he people heavily.
He then started a continueing practice(although not nearly as rife as the Christians would have us believe) of persecuting the Christians. Actually this persecution was most likely the most servere. His co-emperor GALLINUS was so unpopular that the Christians actually burnt down his palace-he survived.
Having done all this Diocletian then decided to retire in 305 A.D. and built a villa at Stalapo(Spiltz) on the Adriatic. It was heavily fortified and designed in a square shape with basically four square sections within. Here he farmed and grew amonst other things-cabbages, which he delighted in showing visitors and saying how much better and healthier this was to ruling an empire. He actually had retired and fortified himself , it was said, in fear of CONSTANTINE(the emperor who eventually made Christianity the state religion).
Soon after he died.
Diocletian was well known because he did actually stop the rot for a time in a period of Rome's history when there was an acute crisis. He is known as the emperor who restored the power and glory of Rome after a time when it had suffered defeats, civil war and strife. One emperor for instance was defeated and captured by the Persian Sassiniad King- SAPPHOR I and was hence forth used as a footstool by Sapphor. However conversally he did, in the long run, weaken and precipitate the fall of Rome.
He weakened the empire politically by the division( the civil wars continued after his retirement and were finally won by the very Constantine whom Diocletian feared) , militarily by the so called reform of the legions (the division into field and garrison forces lowered morale and decrease overall tactical and strategic manourving and flexability efficiency), economically by the laws of occupation and his wages and prices edicts, and socially by his high taxes and fanatical persecution of the Christians. It got to the stage where in 395 A.D. the emperor THEODOSIUS I divided the empire between his two sons: HONARIUS(who got the west) and ARCADIUS(who got the east). The legions became glorified medieval cavalry and infrantry so much that at the turn of the 5th century(around 400 A.D.) a writer called Vegitus lamented the fact and said that no longer do the legions fight in armour, no longer their ancient deadliness- our legions stand naked and defenceless before the barbarian.
It got to the stage that by about 400 A.D. the empire's recourses and wealth producing abilities were very much compromised. There is an interesting story: A certain patrician wanted his son to be elected Praetor. To do this the son had to put on games(gladiatorial and animal contests). His father arranged it and called in favours from various Governors. They all volunteered to send in what they could. However by that time animals were scarce(the Romans had sent them to the arena). None of the animals that were sent(and they were not much in quality)survived except the Irish wolf hounds. Therefore it was decided to put on Chariot races. However the most famous charioteer of the day happened to be a Christian. Therefore he was sacked. However he happened to belong to a powerful union and the games were boycotted by the performers and athletes and other charioteers. The games did not go ahead. Needless to say the patrician's son was not elected Praetor.
The taxation destroyed the empire socially. It got to the stage in 476 A.D. that when the last Roman field army of the west(barbarians under the command of the Heruli-Oddaecer) were cheated of their pay , they marched(or rather rode) down and disposed of the last emperor of the west: Flavius Romulus Augustulus. And that was that for the western Roman Empire. And when all this was happening-no one cared-in fact they were applauding-the barbarians treated you better.
But Diocletian did do great things. He defeated barbarian tribes, stopped the rot temporarily and did adapt the empire somewhat the changing circumstances. What he forgot was were Rome's ancient strength came from. But he did uphold it for a time and is remembered as one of the pivital emperors of Rome. For he was at a critical time and did do what he deemed necissary. For all his faults and mistakes- I wonder- could anyone of us do even as well under the circumstances? Hope this helps.
2007-03-22 17:51:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous