20,788,837 thats the population of Australia today the 23rd March 2006
At 30 June 2005, the estimated resident population of NSW was 6.77 million people.
Government employs 1,545,7000 people can, you believe that refer http://www.ausstats.abs.gov.au/ausstats/subscriber.nsf/0/5FC73A396694994FCA2571A3001805A5/$File/61050_jul%202006.pdf refer page 54
now compare India
According to the 2001 Census, India's population is 1, 027, 015, 247. India is said to have crossed the billion mark in the year 1997
.43 % ( NOTE .43 % ) only including Defense and Governmant hospitals and Government schools, are government employees
Look at the number of government employees employeed here in Australia
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