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I've had Latino co workers tell me white people are the plague on America and been told by management to get over it when I got offended, yet when I joked about not messing with a Cuban friend because he'll kill you in your sleep, I was labeled racist (I'm not). why are whites told to suck it up when every other race sues on basis of discrimination at every opportunity? I have caused no injustices in my lifetime.

2007-03-22 13:35:51 · 3 answers · asked by sufferingnomad 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

so your saying just because I'm white I guilty of all those injustices even though I'm a working class person who doesn't support those power mongers, I've never owned a slave, you've never been a slave , and I doubt you know anyone living thats been a slave. AS far as economics everyone choses where they find themselves and a culture based on bling and not saving or planning will find themselves financially under funded

2007-03-22 15:12:48 · update #1

stereotyping is the basis of racism and you just stereotyped me because of the color of my skin.

2007-03-22 15:15:36 · update #2

3 answers

well um lady who answered first..you look more than michael jackson in ur avatar than anybody else...so change it to look like you!...i think everyone is racist..like seriously..they just say it to the right people..when my parents are being racists they tell me and my bro's and sis rather than a random person..u noe what i mean..there is a time and place..you dont tell ur white friend in kfc,popeyes, red lobster, or Mcdonalds that their are to many black people..however..cubans are kind of racists my family is cuban..they talk so much crap...and they are gossipers..like we might go to a place with alot of black ppl..and they will be like...ah mira a ese negra parase a una mono...lol..jk..please dont report my answers..cuz i am telling the truth and do not intend to be racist...sorry if i offended u

2007-03-25 17:28:52 · answer #1 · answered by Cool Person 3 · 0 0

WOW i take a look around and i think white people are NOT the majority. More like the minority where i live, and half the whites that live here mix breed (puke). Be careful with what you say....so-called "minorities" like to sue white people over words. They try to get free money everywhere. White people cant cry racism....even though I have been called racial slurs in my life (and I'm white). Yet, i say N***** and all hell breaks loose. Double standard america. Welcome.
Have a seat on the back of the bus whitey.

2007-03-26 00:15:06 · answer #2 · answered by Jessica O 1 · 0 0

well im black and i totally acknowledge reverse racism however its no where near as extreme as white on minority discriminiation because whites are just that - the majority as well qas economically dominant and they have therefore taken over almost every country on earth, usually bringing along some superiority complex of race (australia, america, africa, latin america, etc.) think of it this way : GENERALLY SPEAKING (not always) the chances on a black person taking away your rights to vote, your civil liberties, putting you into slavery for centuries and treating you like ****, and continuing to oppress your neighborhoods and people to prevent economic equality is significantly less likely than your race doing so to blacks, hispanics, asians, etc. with economic and political power come responsibility and its pointless if we have a world filled with racism. thats why so many minorities are prejudiced toward whites because of the injustice your race has and continues to do to them. (as far as violence and crime goes - ANYONE is wrong)

2007-03-22 21:41:54 · answer #3 · answered by Gone, Gone, Gone. 4 · 0 0

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