I have been a genetic counselor and a researcher. Now I am a teacher. I think it is a great job and career if you like people of all kinds. The first year or two are very tough because you are creating new lessons for every day. After that it gets easier and you get better at managing the class.
I get nervous the night before school starts every year. Of course I like talking in front of people in most situations.
However, I had a friend who was nervous to talk to groups, but loved teaching anyway. In her class she knew what she needed to say and knew her role and she was fine. When she was voted teacher of the year she really sweated over her speach at graduation and we were all shocked at how nervous she was about speaking outside her teaching role.
See if you can try it. Can you help out in a classroom or do some guest lecturing on a topic you know well?
2007-03-22 14:37:25
answer #1
answered by Cindy B 5
When they change textbooks on you and you get the book handed to you like 2 days before the semester starts, yes, that makes me nervous. It's a pain, a royal pain, but I love teaching and it's a subject that I know well so I'm usually not nervous.
2007-03-24 15:10:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It is hard, and fun, and, amazing to be a teacher of first graders. Yes, there are nervous moments (giving a presentation to colleagues, being observed by your principal or superintendent). Overall, it a fantastic career!
2007-03-23 00:36:47
answer #3
answered by bandit 6
It's great. There are a few drawbacks, but the positive outweighs the negative. I only get nervous when another adult enters the room (especially when you are being evaluated.)
2007-03-22 13:47:45
answer #4
answered by KS 7