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That the British are the greatest Nation Ever on this Earth ...Bar None, Wouldn't you agree

2007-03-22 13:10:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

No! Why would you call the nation that invented modern-age slavery the greatest nation on earth?
Why would you call the nation that deliberately addicted the Chinese to opium the greatest nation on earth?
Why would you call the British the greatest nation on earth when they gave the North-American Indians, blankets laced with small pox?
Their king Henri V111 changed the Bible so that it would suit his agenda.
Their tract record is really nothing to get excited about as they only really abolished "slavery" in the late 60's.
Picking at only one country and calling it "great" is nothing more than an all-time oxymoron as none have a squeaky clean record of any kind.
The only "great" anything in that country lays in its name: "Great" Britain.
Need I go on???
The only kingdom that will give the world something to really boast about is about to arrive, full force, with Christ as the final King and Leader, namely God's Kingdom, which is practically at our door-step.
And if you can't or won't believe it, you're in for a big shock!
And make sure you carry a change of clothes at all times....
If you know what I mean!!!

2007-03-22 13:25:51 · answer #1 · answered by Teri 4 · 0 0

As an outsider, I think there are still some tweaks needed.
1 - Learn to use eating utensils. With so many great engineers, why in heaven's name is the English fork always poised upside down, thus defeating its obvious design, and spilling peas hither and yon?
2 - Prohibit the production of Marmite.
3 - Stop selling Budweiser in pubs.
4 - Limit the colloquialisms in the Times crossword.
Other than that, it's quite perfect.

2007-03-22 20:23:33 · answer #2 · answered by JAT 6 · 0 0

no! I'm american! we are the greatest nation ever!

2007-03-22 20:17:32 · answer #3 · answered by crazycatlady4real 4 · 0 0

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