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I ask anyone who is willing and able to submit a 55 word story, no more, no less, which has a main character, a plot, a setting, and a resolution. I will be checking to make sure they are 55 words. I heard about this idea from a friend who heard about it from a friend who said the New Yorker recently hosted the same challenge. Good Luck!

2007-03-22 12:08:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Thanks everyone so far for sharing their stories. They are all a lot better than I would have expected, and it's awesome that that many people are posted their creative input. Thanks again

2007-03-22 13:19:46 · update #1

7 answers

if I had all day..I'd accept the challenge !

2007-03-22 12:11:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Jessica hid in her bedroom. Her parents were fighting once again and she found that it was the only place she now felt safe. Suddenly she heard a tap on the window. Getting up she looked out and saw a ladder in the hands of her long time boyfriend. Climbing out, she had finally escaped.

55 words, 1 main character a plot and a resolution! *grin*

2007-03-22 19:19:09 · answer #2 · answered by d_khar 3 · 0 0

Once there was a bunny named Ishmael. He was a good bunny and did good deeds for everybunny. Ishmael was heading to do a good deed for another bunny when he was suddenly hit by a car. The driver wasn't paying attention and kept on going. So, I ask you all be very careful drivers.

2007-03-22 19:31:38 · answer #3 · answered by SquirrelBait 5 · 0 0

Ben arose one morning to find he had run out of tea. He decided the best place for tea was the donut shop accross the street.

As he left the house he realised that he wasn't wearing pants. When he tried to get back inside his house he remembered his keys were in his pants.

2007-03-22 19:14:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The young boy knew his father would'nt return but that didnt keep the young boy from pursuing him anyway, for days he walked down highway 95 in the middle of the desert until one day he died of starvation, not eating the cookies he had made for his father, in hopes that he would succeed.

2007-03-22 19:30:32 · answer #5 · answered by Joe D 3 · 0 0

Deep underground, the dead dinosaurs dreamed dark oily dreams. Suddenly they found themselves pumped to the surface and burned. Their pale ghosts rose into the sky, and there they milled about, apatosaurs and allosaurs and archaeopteryxes, looking down on a world capped with ice. Dismayed, they set about making things properly warm and palm-treed again.

2007-03-22 19:13:12 · answer #6 · answered by Get A Grip 6 · 1 1

News flash - you are not the New Yorker!, or publisher of any other major publication.

Find some friends.

2007-03-22 19:13:24 · answer #7 · answered by Pacifica 6 · 0 3

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