AJ Styles team will win because they got HBK and jeff hardy.
HBK elimates 4 of them exapt cage.Sting elimates cage.
None of AJ Styles team gets elimated
2007-03-22 10:29:05
answer #1
answered by timothy 5
i like Jeff and HBK, but the other team has CM Punk, Orton, and Edge. but still the first team wins, because Orton turns on Edge. AJ Styles gets eliminated by Rhino, but Sting comes from the back and eliminates Rhino. Cristian Cage eliminates Christopher Daniels. HBK eliminates Edge. Jeff Hardy eliminates Christian Cage. Sting takes out CM Punk , but then Orton and Edge both take out Sting. So Orton and Edge vs. Jeff and HBK. Orton takes out Jeff, then Edge is about to take out HBK. but Orton turns on him. and takes him out.
so the first team wins.
2007-03-22 17:35:16
answer #2
answered by k 4
CM Punk, Randy Orton, Edge, Christian Cage, and Rhino
2007-03-22 20:00:02
answer #3
answered by jamie8_gbc 2
Team #2.
Chris Daniels by Randy Orton
AJ Styles by CM Punk
CM Punk by Jeff Hardy (Stinger Splash, Chin Music, Spiral Tap, Swanton)
HBK by Cage after a roll-up with tights
Cage by Sting after Chin Music by HBK
Rhino by Sting after a missed gore into turnbuckle, Twist of Fate, and Scorpion Deathlock
Sting by Edge after Con-Chair-To when ref's distracted
Randy Orton by Jeff Hardy after RKO misses and Orton's pushed into Edge, who's knocked out of the ring. Whisper in the Wind, Swanton, pin
Edge by Jeff Hardy after an irate Orton knocks out the ref. Edge gets 2 chairs, goes for a standing Con-Chair-To, Jeff ducks, dropkicks chair into Randy's face. Then Matt Hardy comes out, hits a Twist of Fate on Edge, puts him on a table, does a one-man Con-Chair-To while Jeff gets ladders. Matt flips Edge onto back, then an Event Omega off the ladders. Matt clears weapons out of ring as ref comes to. Jeff gets pin.
Sole Survivor: Jeff Hardy
2007-03-22 19:05:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Team 1
1.Daniels after RKO and Spear
2.Edge after sweet chin music
3. Sting by Rhno after gore
4. Rhino after swanton bomb
5.Christian after Twist of Fate
6. CM Punk after whatever AJ styles finisher is(sorry I don't watch TNA so i don't know what his finisher is
7.Jeff Hardy after RKO
8. Randy orton after Sweet chin music and styles finisher
Survivors: AJ Styles and HBK
2007-03-22 17:32:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Hopefully Hardy's eliminated out of the gate, Mike Knox style, by Edge or Orton (someone with a quick finisher) Styles would go toe to toe with Orton for a durration of the first quarter, before Orton cuts a springboard dropkick attempt off with an Ace Crusher (I REFUSE to call it an RKO). HBK would rush the ring for a save from the pin, but he'd get cut off by a double spear from Edge and Rhino, they'd knock Daniels and Sting off of the apron as Orton covers the downed HBK. Next in would be Sting, he'd clean house, taking out CM Punk, then Rhino, until Edge cuts him off with a double team with former team mate Christion. Edge would land a spear, and Cage would come off the top with a beautiful frog splash. (For those keeping score at home, it's Daniels up against Orton, Edge, and Christian) Daniels would come in, clean Cage's clock for awhile, and then ask for Edge. The two uber goths would pull out all the stops until Edge goes for an Edgecution, but Daniels would slide out and reverse into an angel's wings. Daniels for the cover, Cage and Orton rush the ring, but to no avail, Daniels gets the cover. Orton and Cage would hit the double team back and fourth melee brawl with Daniels in the middle of their knuckle sandwich. Daniels would duck a punch from Orton, Orton clocks Cage in the mouth. Orton goes to swing at the Fallen Angel once more, but Daniels ducks and hits a modified STO into the Koji Clutch, but Cage breaks up the submission. He gets Daniels in a double chicken wing as Orton punches away at Daniels. Daniels goes limp in Cage's arms, so Cage twists the chickenwing into an unprettier. Here comes the pin 1....2....3!
The Surviving winners, Cage and Orton.
2007-03-22 18:08:26
answer #6
answered by Candle 7
1. Christian gets eliminated after Sting finally gets his hands on Christian after he screwed Sting for the NWA title. Sting would give him the Scorpion Death Drop and the Scorpion Death Lock. Christian has no choice but to tap.
2. Jeff Hardy gets eliminated by Edge. After Orton distracts the Ref, Edge gets the chair, nails Hardy, done.
3. Edge gets eliminated after Orton celebrates with Edge. Orton hits the RKO on Edge, and the other team is confused, but HBK pins Edge while staring at Orton with bewilderment.
4. Rhyno gets eliminated after attempting the Gore. He first hits the Rhyno driver on AJ Styles, and AJ is out cold, and once he tries to Gore an unattentive HBK, Daniels comes out out from nowhere and heel kicks Rhyno. Daniels hits the Angel's Wings, Rhyno is done.
5. AJ Styles is eliminated after being hit with the Rhyno Driver. CM Punk sees how Styles is down, so he locks in the Anaconda Vice. Tap out.
6. Christopher Daniels is eliminated, after trying to hit Orton with Last Rites, Orton counters his grapple and hits a low blow, forcing Daniels to bend over, RKO, done.
7. Sting is eliminated. After Sting trades shots with orton, punk hits the sambo suplex. Stinger is out.
8. CM Punk is eliminated after HBK, who was basically double teaming everyone, evades Punk's Victory Roll, Springs up to his feet, and hits Sweet Chin Music.
9. Randy orton is eliminated. Both men are tired, but they're still duking it out. Orton hits his patented modified backbreaker. Sets himself up for the RKO, but out of nowhere, Edge comes back, and hits Orton with the spear. HBK is once again puzzled, but pins Orton for the victory.
Team 1 wins.
2007-03-22 18:06:38
answer #7
answered by tr0y 5
Team Two.
Rhino and Edge would be the survivors.
AJ eliminates Punk
Randy Eliminates AJ
HBK eliminates Randy
Edge eliminates HBK
Edge eliminates Jeff
Sting eliminates Christian
Rhino eliminates Sting
Rhino eliminates Daniels
2007-03-22 17:36:54
answer #8
answered by «G6260» 6
AJ Styles cos they got a strong team , HBK is going to the sweet chin , but cm punk have a chance of winning but i want aj styles to but let that be the future.
2007-03-22 18:32:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Only winner= Jeff Hardy
2007-03-22 17:31:33
answer #10
answered by >>HaRdY BoYz<< (EAW) 5