Her biggest claim to fame, of course was being the first and only female vice presidential running mate in the 1984 election as a running mate to Walter Mondale.
Ferraro was elected to the House of Representatives from New York's Ninth Congressional District in Queens in 1978 and served three two-year terms, compiling a generally liberal voting record on social and economic issues. While in Congress she served on the Public Works Committee, the Budget Committee, and the Post Office Committee. She also served a term as the Secretary of the House Democratic Caucus. She was the Chairwoman of the Platform Committee for the 1984 Democratic National Convention.
In Congress, Ferraro spearheaded efforts to achieve passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. She also sponsored the Women's Economic Equity Act in 1984, which ended pension discrimination against women, provided job options for displaced homemakers, and enabled homemakers to open IRAs. Her job as chief of the Democratic platform committee helped win 1984 Democratic Presidential nominee Walter Mondale's confidence. Her committee assignments in Congress included the Public Works Committee, Post Office and Civil Service Committee, and Budget Committee, where she was a strong voice against the Reagan Administration's economic policies. Ms. Ferraro also served on the Select Committee on Aging, where she was an advocate for the elderly, fighting proposed cuts in Social Security and Medicare.
Before entering politics, Ms. Ferraro taught elementary school in the New York Public Schools for five years. During that time, she also put herself through Fordham Law School at night. After spending thirteen years at home raising her three children, she joined the Queens County District Attorney's Office. There, she started the Special Victims Bureau, supervising the prosecution of sex crimes, child abuse, domestic violence and violent crimes against senior citizens.
2007-03-22 09:24:39
answer #1
answered by MyPreshus 7
SHe was the first female to run for vice-president of the United States on a major party ticket.
2007-03-22 16:03:22
answer #2