when people ask me what does it for me
2007-03-22 07:00:54
answer #1
answered by Namename 5
In a good way? When I am all alone & its nice & quiet! or when I'm with my family...or when my cats sit & watch tv with me, or when I find a new book, or when I hear a good old disco song on the radio....
In a bad way? when people click or tap things or chew w/ their mouths open! or when people do not shower or brush their teeth, or when there is a screaming kid & the mother does nothing to take care of the situation, or when people are rude! or when people play dumb, or when you have to press 1 to hear things in english!
2007-03-22 14:08:24
answer #2
answered by east2west92 4
Things I like:
Intelligent conversation, alcohol, a good book, certain music, my friends, conspiracy theories, etc, etc.
Things that make me angry:
Arguing, hypocrisy/the government, people at my work talking on cell phones, stupidity, dumb questions like "How much do these cost individually if they're 5 for $10?"
2007-03-22 19:57:45
answer #3
answered by Moon 3
Bowling a long string of strikes on a Friday night. Rarely happens, though.
2007-03-22 14:02:13
answer #4
answered by ? 6
well as for me music gets me going all the time when i do my homework or read a book at home im always listening to music even excersing or doing any of my hobbies i always listen to music
so music gets me going lol
2007-03-22 14:17:29
answer #5
answered by Bambie 3
a cocktail under the sunset with a hot man by my side
and a vibrater
2007-03-22 14:01:29
answer #6
answered by Anonymous