check this out:
they make them for EVERYTHING. Tux kilts, cargo kilts, leather kilts, mocker (like dockers but a kilt), etc. YAY for man skirts!
2007-03-22 06:02:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Guys can wear whatever they choose to. Go a trend setter! I have actually seen guys that have worn long skirts...of course, it was some kind of goth look but, hey...I think you are totally right about, women can wear guys stuff...I think you should be able to wear a skirt if you want to. More power to ya!! (I'll keep an eye out to see if it catches on...) Good luck!
2007-03-22 13:08:47
answer #2
answered by Ridiculous 3
Can't?? Sure a man can wear a skirt, it would go against societies norms for a man to wear a women's skirt and he may be uncomfortable with the attention.
2007-03-22 13:20:42
answer #3
answered by ecogeek4ever 6
Legally, they are allowed to. It's the social stigma attachde to it that creates problems. But open gayness is getting quite popular these days. It seems every new show on TV had at least 1 gay character, and gay marriage is being legalized all over the place. In a few years the social stigma will diminish, I think.
If you are talking about stright guys wearing skirts purely for fashion, that doesn't happen because our socieity teaches guys to be manly, ie. wear manly clothing, and try to look strong.
2007-03-22 12:59:05
answer #4
answered by Canadian Bacon 3
I wear a skirt all the time... its called a kilt... as a matter of fact I will be wearing one again this weekend. Yes I go comando... nothing better than the feeling of your boys swinging open in the breeze :)
2007-03-22 13:48:28
answer #5
answered by Cameron 2
I read that men started out making women wear skirts and dresses so they could have easier access to their goodies.
And high heels came into fashion because it made it harder for chickks to run away.
I dont know if it's true or not, but it was in a socheology book i read in school
2007-03-22 13:39:07
answer #6
answered by Timothy 4
The Scots have been wearing kilts (skirts) for hundreds of years. The Irish and the Welsh also wore kilts long ago.
2007-03-22 13:01:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Guys can wear skirts if they really want to.
2007-03-25 14:08:24
answer #8
answered by komical 2
guys can wear skirts. theres nothing stopping them, except OTHER MEN who think they can beat up anyone who doesn't fit their narrow definition of what men are supposed to look like and do. My boyfriend wears skirts, he says they are more comfortable.
2007-03-22 13:14:23
answer #9
answered by bluestareyed 5
They do in scotland, and a lot of guys actually wear some girls clothing now, quit being a baby and don't be scared to step out of the norm. If you wanna wear girls clothes, do it.
2007-03-22 13:00:30
answer #10
answered by Mel 4
Who said men aren't allowed to wear skirts? I've never heard of such a law.
2007-03-22 16:54:30
answer #11
answered by Anonymous