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Dear friends I am an English learner I learn at home without any teacher.but sometimes I face problems I can’t solve them,like prepositions that I’m so confused about them.
I did this exercise which was about prepositions ,I used all I knew and all I could find in my books about prepositions ,but I couldn’t do it properly.

I need your English speaking friends help in correcting my mistakes.
This is my exercise:
We must put one of these prepositions into the gaps of this text. Sometimes more than one is possible.
Prepositions given are:above*across*by*against*round*on*below*onto*down*along*beside*
In*behind*off*into*up*out of*over*through*past*to*towards*at.

This is how I did this exercise:
The sun rose (at) Mary’s house. It was a beautiful day. Mary came (along) her front door and went (through)the path,(out of)the gateand (down) the street. She crossed( ? ) the road and walked(beside)the bus stop. The bus arrived and she got(on)the bus. It went (round)the corner,(into)the High Street ,(past)all the shops and(onto)the countryside .
It stopped (by)the dock pond(in)the next village,and Mary got(off) . She climbed (above) a stile and started walking(across)a big field. Suddenly she saw a huge bull running (towards)her! She raced(against)the far side of the field and squeezed(up)the hedge.
Out of breath ,she sat down( ? )the grass (over)the river. She leant back (above)a rock. The sun was warm. Mary closed her eyes and listened to the water flowing(below).
Soon she was fast asleep. When she awoke the sun had disappeared (behind)the horizon.


2007-03-22 05:28:26 · 3 answers · asked by shahrzad 1 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

3 answers

The sun rose (above) marys house
It was a beautiful day
Mary came (out )of her front doorand went (along) the path (toward) the gate and (down) the street.
She crossed over the roadand walked (to) the bus stop.
The bus arrived and she got on the bus.
it went (round) the corner (up) the high street past all the shops and (through) the countryside.
It stopped (by) the duck pond in the next village and mary got off.
She climbed over a (stile) and started walking across a big field suddenly she saw a big bull running (toward) her she raced( over) the farside of the field and squeezed (through) a hedge.
Out of breath she sat down (in) the grass (by) the river, she leant back (against) a rock Mary closed her eyes and lisyened to the flowing water (below).
Soon she was fast asleep when she awoke the sun had dissapeared (behind )the horizon.

Mary needs to come out of her door to see the day not just to it. you are never above a stile you have to climb over it.
some of them you can use several of the words but there are some that are just one

2007-03-22 06:09:36 · answer #1 · answered by caloko 3 · 0 0

The sun rose (over) Mary’s house. It was a beautiful day. Mary came (our of) her front door and went (through)the path,(out of)the gate and (down) the street. She crossed( over ) the road and walked(beside)the bus stop. The bus arrived and she got(in)the bus. It went (around)the corner,(off)the High Street ,(past)all the shops and(into)the countryside .
It stopped (by)the dock pond(in)the next village,and Mary got(off) . She climbed (above) a stile and started walking(across)a big field. Suddenly she saw a huge bull running (towards)her! She raced(along)the far side of the field and squeezed(past)the hedge.
Out of breath ,she sat down( in )the grass (by)the river. She leant back (against)a rock. The sun was warm. Mary closed her eyes and listened to the water flowing(nearby?).
Soon she was fast asleep. When she awoke the sun had disappeared (behind)the horizon.

That's how I would have answered it and I am really into english, and prepositions are pretty easy for me. The way I know how to use them is I think where something is, because most of the prepositions are telling where something is, I don't know if that'll help, but I hope it does. :) Good luck with English!!

2007-03-22 05:50:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is how I did this exercise:
The sun rose (above) Mary’s house. It was a beautiful day. Mary came (to) her front door and went (down)the path,(through)the gate and (across) the street. She crossed( over) the road and walked(to)the bus stop. The bus arrived and she got(on)the bus. It went (round)the corner,(up)the High Street ,(past)all the shops and(toward)the countryside .
It stopped (by)the dock pond(in)the next village,and Mary got(off) . She climbed (above) a stile and started walking(across)a big field. Suddenly she saw a huge bull running (towards)her! She raced(against)the far side of the field and squeezed(up)the hedge.
Out of breath ,she sat down( In)the grass (by)the river. She leant back (against)a rock. The sun was warm. Mary closed her eyes and listened to the water flowing(past).
Soon she was fast asleep. When she awoke the sun had disappeared (behind)the horizon.

2007-03-22 05:46:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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