Because you have chosen to spell Republicism with a "big R" I assume that you are referring to the Republican Party and not the republican political philosophy that grew out of the dislike and distrust of anything monarchical. I think at one time the two were all but synonomous. It is not necessarily the case today.
But to your question. I believe they are not at odds at all and for several reasons. True Christians, the born again kind that make up the Republican core, see a personal and pared down relationship with their God and Jesus. Big, orthodox, ritual-based religion is not what most Republicans are about. They are Methodists, Episcopalians, Quakers and Baptists (and many more). They are generally not Catholics. Most, I suggest, share the same vision of government. They favour (notice the Canadian spelling of favour) a pared down, out-of-my-face approach to government. While this current Republican administration is anything but small and non-intrusive, what they practice and what they preach is what's at odds here. Republicans by nature hate big government and they distrust big religion. Many belong to the megachurches in America, but most do not. They attend the smaller churches that value highly their independence and Christian diversity.
Another reason I think that Republicanism and Christianity are compatible has to do with service. Christian folk give . . . they serve. That's what Jesus did and much of his gospel is about just that. Public service to both is a virtue. I notice one poster before me suggested Christians do not tithe as the bible says they should, and maybe that's true, but outside of the church, Christian Americans give a great deal. They do not believe government is responsible. I have read quite a bit about this. In Canada, comparisons are often made to our brethren to the south, and when it comes to charity and charity work, Americans put Canadians to shame. Americans give far more than we (oops, now you know I'm Canadian!) do. Republican ideology is similar. To a Republican, pulling up oneself by the bootstraps is the preferred option rather than holding one's pants up with one hand while holding the other out for a help.
A third reason for my case is more obvious. The G.O.P and orthodox Christianity by nature are conservative. There are "liberal" churches and there are "left of centre" Republicans but they have not been driving the ideology bus lately. Republicans and many orthodox Christians share a uncomfortableness, shall we say, with gays. Need I say more than Sodom and Gomorrah. And both have this incredible faith: Christians have faith in God and the quest for perfection through accepting Jesus as a personal saviour; Republicans have faith in what they are doing is correct and in the inevitable march of human progress. "Progress" to a Republican is about free market economies and human/industrial ingenuity. I contend that it was this type of thinking that pushes George W. to do the crazy things that he does. He truly thinks that what he is doing is right. He possesses that dangerous mix of arrogance and ignorance. (But I think this has little to do with the fact that he is a Christian and more to do with the paint chips he ate as a child).
There you have it. A Canadian leftie's take on American politics. One question I have though. Do born again Christians have two belly buttons?
2007-03-22 12:54:27
answer #1
answered by kennyj 5
there is Christianity and then their is the real world..
how many of the Christians give a tithe to their church?
..i have privy to some of the church records and you would be surprised at the average that is actually given to the Christian church and it says right in the Bible...10% of your gross to the Church...??? well, my father was a treasure of our church and he said the only ones who gave consistently..and then it was not near 10% was the retired people who's family was grown and out on their own and they had a little extra money for their church...
yes, some people give more then !0%...yes..but this would be the rare exception.
so the point is very few people follow all the rules..we pick and chose what we want to believe or obey and that is OK that is what I do..but lets be honest.
the Republicans and Democrats both talk the talk but they sure don't walk the walk..and yes the Christians well as other groups that i don't want to get a violation for..and i know i still might as the truth is not always sometimes truth is stranger then fiction.
2007-03-22 05:35:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Jesus was not the total pacifist as you imply, He threw the money changers out of the Temple, and he did not turn the other cheek. If you recall there were numerous times god permitted war in the old testament so therefore you lack the understanding of the commandment. To kill was a reference to Murder. You also leave out the Idea of Coveting. Liberals are about coveting those things that are thy neighbors. Guns are vital to preventing the stealing and the coveting. Like government sponsored health care and payoffs to spinach growers that deprive our troops of weapons ro fight people who want to kill Christians and non believers. God did smite the Sodomites did he not? You were saying about the other cheek?
2007-03-22 06:26:49
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't think even I could be that harsh to republicans. I've read that the commandment prohibiting killing, would probably be more accurately translated as a prohibition against murder, which would exclude wars and executions.
Nevertheless, as a Christian, I believe that one of Christ's most important teachings, perhaps His most important, is that how we treat the least, so we treat him. I don't hear a lot of quotes from these verses of Christ's words. Indeed, if you listen to much of those broadcasts on the radio or t.v. which are identified as conservative, you'd think Christ said exactly the opposite.
2007-03-22 05:46:35
answer #4
answered by webned 6
Actually, biblicaly there are plenty of examples of the death penalty being used. And for less severe crimes then they are used for in our country today.
There are also many examples of righteous people's going to war to defend their homes, families, and right to worship the Lord as they saw fit in the scriptures.
So no, the two ideologies do not clash, as long as you believe the people of the USA to be righteous as a whole and this war necessary to protect our homes, families and way of life.
2007-03-22 05:30:34
answer #5
answered by Raising6Ducklings! 6
Republican ideology comes from Conservatism. Conservatism believes in small government and loose industry ideas to problems. that is amazingly careful of radical approaches of coping with problems. tried and real approaches are plenty favorite. Conservatism believes in equivalent justice, organic rights, individualism.
2016-10-19 08:29:54
answer #6
answered by thedford 4
2007-03-22 05:32:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Exactly, that is why Saddam Hussein named his palace "The Republican Palace, and he had his Republican Guard, they were all muslims.
2007-03-22 05:32:33
answer #8
answered by Darth Vader 6
yes but if you force them to look at themselves in that way they will reject it either in anger or denial. Most Americans are only chrisitian in name and only then when its convienent.
2007-03-22 05:45:19
answer #9
answered by snoopy22564 4
With Christian tradition, no. However, it goes strongly against what Jesus believed.
2007-03-22 05:27:47
answer #10
answered by Anonymous