Psychology is not easy to understand..... and so is cryptic language using abstract words and intriguing grammar.
2007-03-22 00:09:31
answer #1
answered by small 7
I don't know about panic, but I think the main problem with "invariantology" is that there is no such thing – or at least nothing much beyond the rampant fertility of your own lavish imagination. You see, there is no Wikipedia entry for your subject, and in accordance with the accepted models of universal law, "if there is no Wikipedia entry, then it don't exist." It is really as simple as that. Now it is true that you somehow managed to slip a link into the Wikipedian entry on Quantum Mechanics (congratulations on that, by the way), but this doesn't quite provide the energy needed to propel your virtual science out of the vacuum of pointless absurdity and into the realm of genuine scientific absurdity.
And now for the bad news: nothing I've said so far is what I really want to say. So here is where you exclaim…"Oh, buddlefutz! you mean I just read a bunch of stuff that I didn't have to read?" Yes, exactly! It was all just me exposing my postmodern underwear to the world. But now, despite the inherent absurdity of all that exists, and the even more inherent absurdity of all that does not exist, I am going to say something deeply profound, so tighten your eyeballs and gird your loins (and/or your cortex, assuming they are not one and the same).
What I'm going to do is very briefly comment on your primary premise, which I will now quote, for the edification of all: "Variant is the order in which the united are in unity." This is utterly true, and yet deeply flawed due to impalpable ambiguity. Since the conundrum is intuitively obvious to the most casual observer, I won't waste anyone's time by repeating it here, but I will offer this equally true, but less palpably ambiguous assertion: Variation IS unity. Or, re-phrasing for emphasis: Plurality IS the One. You may think I'm joking, but I'm totally and imperceptively serious. You can drop either of these phrases at any cocktail party and impress the hell out of your date because 1) It is absolutely true 2) It is utterly incomprehensible to the rational mind 3) No one with less than a genius-level IQ will ever admit that they have no idea what you just said.
And now, given my fondness for intellectual masturbation, let me take a lot of time to discuss each of these points in laborious technical detail. What does it mean to say that variation IS unity? And IS there any really good reason why we have to keep putting IS in all caps? The answer is clearly YES. Why? Because the Unity of All stems from the vacuum of space, aka the Buddha's "Nothingness", aka "What is the sound of one hand slapping your monkey?" On this last point I should emphasize that it not just any monkey we are concerned with. It is God's monkey that really matters, but since All are One it follows that we are all God, so it all comes out the same in the end.
The bottom line is this: Existence as we know it spewed out of the Void, but despite all of this spewing, the Void Itself never actually changes at all. The Void is utterly eternal and All-Pervasive. It is the "essence-less essence" of everything, including our each and every "individual" soul. The essence-less-ness of the Voidial Essence is its intrinsic indeterminacy. This indeterminacy IS plurality that is beyond either unity or plurality because it is beyond all logic and categorization. Thus variation is written into the deepest essence of non-essential Being. We are One because we are Many, and we are Many because we are One. This is absolute truth, I promise – you can put it in your pipe and smoke it. Indeed, this is pretty much what philosophers do anyway. And poets too. It's called living deeply and sucking the marrow of life right down to the bone. In fact, according to secret documents found in the sock drawer of a recently deceased member of the Illuminati, this is the real meaning of the well-known mantra "life sucks".
2007-03-22 10:54:27
answer #2
answered by eroticohio 5
There are, perhaps, three ways to react to something strange: 1) positively questioning 2) the Judgment is negative as strange is negative for the particular 3) active nothingness as positive and negative.
"Formal operational stage (Adolescence and adulthood). In this stage, intelligence is demonstrated through the logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts. Early in the period there is a return to egocentric thought. Only 35% of high school graduates in industrialized countries obtain formal operations; many people do not think formally during adulthood. "
2007-03-23 22:04:16
answer #3
answered by Psyengine 7
AHA so that's what it's called.
I don't know why people get panicky but I used to wonder why you kept asking the same question in different forms. It seemed that you didn't want an answer more like you wanted to teach everybody about invariantology. People get irritated by that type of thing.
Anyway don't get insulted by people on here it's not worth it.
2007-03-22 07:52:17
answer #4
answered by ghds 4
My new friend, some people on this site do not think as deeply or are as concerned about the future as yourself. That is why with you, I am serious, and with them I am sometimes very humorous.
You are very much about your goals toward unity. I am, as a karaoke enthusiast and broadcaster, a person who understands audience behavior. Do not worry when the people who answer your posts are rude or act insensitive. They want to be a part of it, but are limited by their beliefs or needs.
2007-03-22 08:22:58
answer #5
answered by Your Uncle Dodge! 7
because in Yahoo answers everyone wants to know everything, and those that don't just think they already know it all. Then since we don't converse face to face, all the insecure people on this forum that have no empathy for everyone else can just say whatever they like and not have to listen to anyone else's opinion.
2007-03-22 10:56:29
answer #6
answered by Johnny Afman 5
I haven't seen the question, but if you want you can email it to me through yahoo answers and I will try to give you the best answer I can provide.
2007-03-22 08:08:38
answer #7
answered by Mira 3
It beats me why they do. What does that long word mean?
2007-03-22 07:02:10
answer #8
answered by kicking_back 5
Zee people zey get zee paneek of my questions!
2007-03-22 07:01:55
answer #9
answered by joey k 3
what was the question?
2007-03-22 07:04:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous