an ethnography is a study of people. whichever anthropological slant it comes from, if it describes a culture it is an ethnography. The problem is, many anthropologists study behaviour tradition and culture in a vacuum, looking at the group in isolation. or it focuses on division of labour, food preparation, magic rituals, response to globalisation, etc etc. holistic ethnography is looking at a group of people in a more encompassing way, looking at all facets, internal, external. the probem is that no ethnography is truly holistic. there is always a lense, a slant, a bias. and no anthropologist truly has access to all facets anyway. but it is helpful to try if you want to explain and not just describe.
2007-03-22 00:30:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The whole point of anthropology is to study the group in isolation....that's the whole way you can study something in purity without outside influences.
I think you mean holisitic is the study of culture through every lens possible:
language, art, religion, music, traditions, education, marriage rites....everything basically...that is what holistic means.
ethnography is the writing cultures...not the study...that's ethnology.
2007-03-23 05:31:20
answer #2
answered by kingelessar2 3