Okay... why the h*ll is he doing this again???
I can understand circumcising a baby. Adult circumcision is painful as sh!t, and unless he is doing it as a preventative measure against HIV contraction or to reduce your potential for HPV transmission, why on earth would he want to put himself through this??
If there's any change for him (aside from the pain associated with the procedure, which is not minimal as an adult....) it's going to be on the side of less sensation as the foreskin has a high concentration of nerves.
So basically it's gonna hurt like hell and then not feel as good when he has sex.... I bet he can't wait!
For you, intercourse isn't gonna feel any different. Oral will be a bit different (obviously), assuming he practices good hygiene now, but only for you.
So considering the "Hope its worth it" wish, I can't imagine what exactly he (or you) are expecting to get out of this....?
Did I mention it's gonna hurt like a moth.........?
2007-03-21 21:02:15
answer #1
answered by helpful_dude 3
It sounds like you are pushing for this. Does HE want to have it done? -- doesn't sound like it. I predict a broken marriage within a year if you push him into getting his natural penis mutilated.
And do you know how much less pleasurable it's going to be for you, too? A full 90% of women say sex is better with an intact man. http://www.healthcentral.com/drdean/408/60750.html Please click and read. And a new study out this week proves conclusively, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that circumcision decreases sensitivity for the man. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06685.x
So if it makes things worse for him AND for you, what's the point? Read the articles I've linked to and then I think you'll decide to love him the way he is. Cancel that appointment!
Added: What about all those circumcised guys you say you get turned on by looking at in one of your other questions. Methinks there is a troll among us. Amanda/Ashley???
2007-03-22 06:55:32
answer #2
answered by Maple 7
I read online somewhere that this guy was 25 years old and went in and got himself circumcised. After he recovered he said it was "the best decision he ever made in his life and that his sex life was now 1000% better than before." Circumcision will help in so many ways with your man's ability to thoroughly clean his penis, it cuts down on STD's and cuts way down on his ability to contract AIDS albeit practicing safe sex does that more his being circumcised will help and sex is so much better when the man is cut. A man getting circumcised does 4 things: 1. The head of the penis is always out and naturally gets bigger. 2. He can have sex for a longer period of time. 3. He will be more confident in himself. 4. He can shoot further and more volume. SEX IS DEFINITELY BETTER WHEN THE MAN IS CUT!!
2007-03-21 21:04:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
This is a MAJOR decision. This needs careful thought. Id certainly advise against having a circumcision. As the blackwell study shows, circumcision greater reduces the sensitivity of the penis head.
It stands to reason that circumcision greatly reduces the sensitivity on the penis head. Most uncircumcised males find it too sensitive, too painful to have the exposed penis head rubbing on normal underwear all day, whereas a circumcised penis head does not.
The penis ejaculates from frictional rubbing. A vagina/anus is alot less rough and has alot less friction than normal underwear...
Ask your husband if he could have his exposed penis head rubbing all day without pain on underwear?
part2 of 3
A small thread were two women prefer uncircumcised men. One woman received friction burns!! from circed men. Due probably to the much less senstive penis head of circed men needing greater friction to ejaculate
This lady Nova on this thread has had many uncirced and circed partners and preferred uncirced partners.
you could do a search on yahoo answers for other ladies replies on the comparison. AS your husband is presently uncirced, does sex have more feeling with a condom or without for, both of you?
part3 of 3
How sensitive is the head of your husbands penis, and how to judge the sensitivity. If it is very very sensitive, then after circumcision, he may be lucky and be ones of those adult circed men, who have no problems and even report better sex. If his penis head isnt very sensitive, then circumcision will be a disaster , leaving him with no feelings in his penis as reported by other adult circed men. My own childhood circed penishead is as sensitive as finger nail, unsighted comparison test by an ex partner, and I feel absolutely nothing inside a woman.
I come from the Uk, which has a very different culture to America. Most men are not circumcised here , and there is no "issue" regarding it. To have a foreskin isnt seen as ugly or unhygienic etc, it's just normal.
This Uk bulletin board has responses from UK men circumcised in adulthood. I didnt detect any agenda in most of the respondents. A few seem to report even years after the circumcision, the head is sensitive and better sex. Others the reverse. So I wonder if another factor in sensitivity , is the age at which the circumcision is performed(pre or post puberty), and what is removed (retaining the inner foreskin and frenulum is highly preferable, for sensations)
2007-03-25 05:54:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
interestin but once i was listening to late night radio and a few guys called in to explain the before and the after sensation and base on what they say i wouldn't do it my self most ot them said it was a bad thing todo they lost alot of the good feeling down there. i know it is cleaner but if you are a clean person all you have to do is keep it clean..well from what i heard the sex is not the same--see the extra sking keeps the penis from coming in contact with your clothes and the extra sking keep it very sensative when the sking is gone the head of willy is in constant friction with your clottes so it is not as sensative as is was when touched--think about it makes sence--yes you will be happier but i don't think i can say the same about your hasband but also keep in mind i am not an expert nor a doctor...so i just wish you both luck...
2007-03-21 21:15:30
answer #5
answered by sapito 4
You never said WHY he is getting circumcised. Is it just for you? Sounds like it. My husband is not circumcised but I have been with both and when the penis is hard there is NO difference. I think you should cancel before he regrets is and resents you for it....
2007-03-21 21:13:11
answer #6
answered by wawa 1
My husband (circumcised) is the only man in my life and so I have no idea about it, except that it is clean and hygienic thing to do. The bible says so.
He said, and I believe so, that sex is far better when a man is circumcised. Why? You can never have a better 'feel' over a 'covered' stuff. You have to lay it 'bare'.
Enjoy your sex life.
2007-03-21 21:21:26
answer #7
answered by september 2
o, boy, this is so stupid. so u re doing it because of sex? i had both i swear it was absolutely no difference at all. nothing at all for me. but it does look ugly when it is circumcised. i can understand why people re doing it for medical reasons (one of my bfs had it removed cos it didn't let his penis grow normally, and boy did he have a huge one), one was jew, all the rest were normal white guys. no difference in sex at all
2007-03-21 21:00:30
answer #8
answered by jacky 6
You sugested it why dont you read in the internet the difference. Any male or female please give some idea here???
2007-03-21 21:00:35
answer #9
answered by Larisha 1
Why should he have that done. Why dont you just get your tubes tied.
2007-03-21 21:10:09
answer #10
answered by Anonymous