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what is the first song that the other prisoners play when luke is digging the grave ditch ? whats the other one they play for that? Also, what are all the other songs that they play acoustically with guitar accompaniment?
this isnt necessary, but if you can, can you name popular singers that have done versions of these songs?

2007-03-21 19:53:39 · 1 answers · asked by Schoolboy666 2 in Entertainment & Music Movies

1 answers


Cool Hand Luke Soundtrack.
1. Main Title
2. Tar Sequence
3. Just A Closer Walk With Thee
4. Chase, The
5. Lucille
6. Egg Eating Contest
7. Eye-Ballin Glasses
8. Arletta Blues
9. Criss Crossing The Fence
10. Plastic Jesus
11. Ballad Of Cool Hand Luke
12. First Morning
13. Bean Time
14. Road Gang
15. Radio In Barracks
16. Dog Boy
17. End Title
18. Symphonic Sketches Of Cool Hand Luke
19. Down Here On The Ground - (Symphonic version)


Original score composed by Lalo Schifrin. Composer: Lalo


2007-03-21 20:44:33 · answer #1 · answered by Lefty 7 · 0 0

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