i know this is silly and i shouldnt even have gone... but after i had my miscarry i went to see one .. and she told me i was going to miscarry again... i am currently pregnant... and i feel like its a bad omen to me... has anyone been in my postion were these ppl tell u sometyhing u dont wanna hear and feel its like a bad omen... how did it turn out for u?
11 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
i dont know... but i hate this cuz im already depressed and feel like im not meant to have a baby and i will miscarry cuz having this baby is so amazing to me ..all my girlfriends are having healthy babies and it kills me... like its not gonna happen
18:19:28 ·
update #1
i wasnt pregnant at the time she made the statement but hey thanks i feel a lil better :)
18:23:13 ·
update #2
im not even 4 weeks yet
18:24:04 ·
update #3
Oh blossom. Put that thought out of your head. RIGHT out of it.
I do go to clairvoyants, but most professional ones would not have told you that especially knowing you are pregnant now.
I go to one every 18 months or so and even though she has told me many, many accurate things she has made mistakes on others. According to her I should be pregnant now and about to have it. I am not pregnant and have been trying for 12 months and lost one in between.
But, you have to take this stuff with a grain of salt - it's interesting but do not live your life by it. The other thing too is, mediums cannot decifer times and dates. They see everything as now and can't tell you whether it is something that will happen say, April this year or April 2008!
Good luck, love.
2007-03-21 18:21:44
answer #1
answered by Kylie 6
well when I first found out i was pregnant I was happy and I think I was like 16 years old yeah very young anyways but I my x-mother in law had a friend that was a Santario I don't how you spell it but it but if you pronounce it try in Spanish, well those people that do good and bad things i guess black magic or whatever but he told my x-mother in law that her son which was my Boyfriend at the time that his girlfriend was pregnant and will have complications or miscarried and sure enough I think a couple of weeks later I had a miscarriage so I really don't know if people wanted to call it a gift or whatever but I just think god only gives you what he think you can handle and only he knows you present plans and future. So I don't know if this helps but Just have faith and pray to god that's all and trust me your day will come k. Good Luck with this pregnancy and may god bless you with a health pregnancy and baby :) and don't stress over what that lady told you remember things happen for reasons but you just need to think positive and leave all the negativity alone :)
2007-03-22 01:30:45
answer #2
answered by Veee Smitten 2
I would not even worry about what she said to you. I know it's hard to not think about it but.... If she were a real psychic, clairvoyant, medium, whichever, she would not be telling you something like that. My sister-in-law is what I would call
"gifted." She does readings for people on a daily basis and she does not tell people anything that can't be fixed. People like that aren't supposed to tell you such things. I am assuming this person is a fraud. Please just relax and go with the flow, for your sake and baby's, remember stressing yourself out is doing no good to that baby. Congrats and best wishes to you and your little one.
2007-03-22 09:28:30
answer #3
answered by peyton31602 4
Don't stress over it, cause if you continue to stress you may just miscarry. Think positive, and don't go back to any fortune tellers. She probably told you that cause she knew that you were going to be thinking about it and getting sad to make you miscarry. Again just don't go back, you will carry full term.
2007-03-22 02:13:58
answer #4
answered by K_pink05 3
My sister went to have a pregnancy massage at this great spa, and all the massaging women could talk about was how my sis was not going to make it to the hospital in time to have the baby. She really needed to prepare for a home birth.
Yeah...she was induced and delivered just fine in the hospital. That woman ticked me off because she put my sis thru two weeks of needless hell by her unsolicited "visions."
2007-03-22 01:29:40
answer #5
answered by Silver B 3
You make your own destiny, I have been to many fortune tellers through the years some things have turned out some things haven't. don't stress about what she said be happy you are pregnant and relax, if you stress out to much you will stress out the baby. Best of luck.
2007-03-22 01:31:15
answer #6
answered by finabella9 3
try to stay positive cuz stress is hard on a body while pregnant. as for the for.tel. i think sometimes them keeping their mouths shut would be better..but you shouldn't have gone if you didn't want to hear what they had to say..
whatever is supposed to happen for you and your baby will happen. it's already planned. best of luck and stay positive
2007-03-22 01:24:23
answer #7
answered by TPAY 3
do not ever believe in that crap, im wiccan but i have enough sense to know all that stuff is bull, ive done every concievable sort of reading and never once has one ever been right for me. the thing is the reading might be right for the moment it is done, but you can step off that path the moment you leave the reader, and you have a totally new future, you are just fine and its time for you to believe it. blessed be
2007-03-22 02:53:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
fortune tellers..you have to take with a grain of salt. you never know how "real" they are, but if you wanna believe what she is telling you is true...maybe she didnt mean this one, like maybe in the future. also it would help if you told us how far along you are. best wishes.
2007-03-22 01:22:51
answer #9
answered by jjsoccer_18 4
girl i know its scaring you but you need to understand that most of them are just ripping you off. they are gonna tell you something to keep you coming back. talk to your doctor and do your best to keep you and your baby healthy. the stress your feeling right now isnt helping. i'll pray for you
2007-03-22 01:29:17
answer #10
answered by hottie hot hot 3