Have you ever had any other type of rodents before? Hamsters, gerbils, mice, etc? If so, First start off by telling your parents that rats odor is MUCH less than any of those animals. (Usually a big plus,because thats one thing people tend to worry about). If you clean your rats cage once a week, You or your parents will never smell your rat.
They're smart, clean (alot of people who have never owned rats will tell you that theyre dirty and cause disease...not true), super social, and tons of fun to have as pets.
Once you've bought the essentials (big cage, rat wheel, food bowls, water bottle, etc) owning a rat usually wont cost much more than owning a hamster. Unless a vet bill comes along, but you should always be prepared for that, if you own any animal.
Rats get a lot of bad press as dirty, nasty, mean creatures that attack babies, live in sewers, carry diseases, etc etc, and movies dont help that bad rep any, but let your parents know that tame pet rats are NOTHING like that. (the tail grosses a lot of people out too, but its just a tail, and once people get used to it, its not bad at all).
I love hamsters, but rats are much smarter, and more cuddley, and a tame rat can be the best pet ever.
If you decide to get a couple, make sure you get same sex rats, unless you're trying to breed. I bought 4 rats from a pet store once (when I was new to owning rats) and I was told I had all males. It turned out I had 3 males, one female...in a short while I had 3 males, one female, and 22 male/female babies.
People will tell you that male rats are pretty laid back and female ones are more playful, but it really depends on the rat. I've had my share of lazy females and fiesty males. The only drawbacks I've come across when owning rats is they dont live very long (2-4 years usually), and female rats sometimes get tumors that either have to be removed, or you have to have your rat put to sleep. (they dont all get them, though).
Once your rat is tame it'll sit on your shoulder, cuddle with you while you watch tv, play games, etc etc. Theyre like little rodent dogs.
I suggest doing some research online. (search "pet rats" in yahoo or google), gather some other information that maybe we'll forget to tell you, make a list of all the pro's of owning pet rats and show it to your parents so they can see you're really serious about wanting one. (and it's good to know all about rats before you get some) Good luck. I hope they let you get some.
2007-03-21 16:25:43
answer #1
answered by Dani 7
i have 7 rats...they're great pets. debbie the rat lady lives in my town, and is considered to be the formost expert on rats...here's a link to her website:
hope this was helpful.
2007-03-21 23:01:31
answer #2
answered by pirate00girl 6
well you will need a big cage, big enough for your rats and small enough to keep it clean. i would suggest females, they smell less. get only one gender, the breed like crazy. any questions fell free to contact me
2007-03-21 23:00:24
answer #3
answered by Mango Muncher 6
I could give you a lot of information on rats. More then what I could fit into this answer. I would be very happy to talk to both you and your parents about the joys of rat-keeping via e-mails. Let me help you persuade your parents into allowing you the joy of having 2 lovable ratties as pets. My e-mail address is spazrats@yahoo.ca
Persuading your parents could be as easy as showing them that you are a responsible pet owner. Taking care of your previous pets without any prompting from them. But I do understand the stigma that rats have brought unto themselves:
You may join my group Holistarat, a Yahoo group, at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/holistarat to talk to other rat-keepers/rat experts, and learn everything you need to know about rats as pets.
You may check out my website, devoted to pet rats, for more information at http://spazrats.tripod.com
The following is Y!A answers I have provided for other questions
The pros and cons of keeping rats as pets:
What you will need to get started in rat-keeping:
Rats are playful little fur-balls, they need toys and activities that will keep them busy:
Rats can be litter-trained, which will make your job of keeping the cage clean a lot easier:
The following links are resources that will come in very handy
Bonding with your rats and trust-training:
The behavior of pet rats:
The health of pet rats:
Finding the best pet rats:
Oh wow, there's just so much to talk about. E-mail me.
"my life has gone to the rats"
2007-03-22 14:03:04
answer #4
answered by spazrats 6