Well i have a baby who is 10 months old. Although, i have weaned her off the bottle, i haven't fully stopped because she is still on formula. My doc says i shouldn't switch her to regular milk before a yr old. My daughter used to get like 8 bottles a day. Now she is down to two. She has 6 teeth by the way. I give her one in the morning when she wakes up, then i give her juice in a sippy cup and cherrios, baby foods, mashed foods, etc. Then i give her a bottle before bed. They reccomend not to give the baby formula out of a sippy cup. But if your baby is not on formula, just wean her off. Start giving her less bottles and more sippy cups. And then give her 1/2 milk in a bottle and keep doing it like that until you are down to none.
2007-03-21 15:58:39
answer #1
answered by marriedsoon 2
Sucking is a natural soother for a baby. Dont rush the 10 month old but the easiest way is to take away one bottle at a time. My son is 10 months old and I have no problems giving him his bottle and he's been using a sippy since he was 5 months old. He has 8 teeth big deal the number of teeth a baby has, has nothing to do with the matter of being on a bottle or off. However I think taking the child off at 10 month in the long run will be a big mistake but if your sister wants to take the child off the bottle now then that is her choice not yours. By the way dont rush the child growing up it goes by to fast I am the mother of a 10 month old and a daughter who will soon be 14 seems just like yesterday I was 22 and she was handed to me for the first time.
2007-03-21 16:09:20
answer #2
answered by texas_angel_wattitude 6
babies usually transitions to a sippy cup at 9 months if she already can drink from a sippy and through a straw i would throw the bottle away and only give her the sippy. here are a couple of ways to break from bottle do it cold turkey when she gets hungry enough she will eat it will take alot of patients on the parents behalf or you could take a bottle a day away first day take the morning bottle away the next day take the morning and next bottle away and so on till she has no more bottles staying on the bottle for a long time can cause teeth problems.hope this helps
2007-03-21 16:04:10
answer #3
answered by this name 4
Well usually babies are around 12 months old before they get taken off the bottle, but you could start weaning her off by giving her a sippy cup to replace one bottle at a time until there is no bottle. Or you could just take the bottle away completly and she will probably cry for awhile, but will eventually forget about it.
2007-03-21 16:20:52
answer #4
answered by khjhkh916 2
I would start by just giving the baby the bottle in the morning and at night. Dont let the baby fall asleep with the bottle in its bed. give the baby the bottle, then put him or her to bed. Then after getting the baby used to only having it in the morning and at night take away the morning and just give the baby it's milk in a cup all day, then at night give the bottle then put the baby to bed. Eventually just give the baby a sippie cup of milk before bed, and you should be fine. we dont give kids enough credit for adjusting to change as we should. my daughter never gave me a hard time when I took away her bottle, binky, or diapers. I was scared to death that it would all be a big fight, but it wasn't. Good luck!!
2007-03-21 15:47:08
answer #5
answered by srvgrvd 2
Well, I wouldn't be in too big of a hurry to get a 10 month old off of the bottle, but the best way is by eliminating feedings one at a time and replacing them with a cup. I've heard of people that had success by offering their baby full strength formula out of a cup and watering down the bottles more and more until they were just water.
2007-03-21 15:42:21
answer #6
answered by anahahamama 2
heres my best answer........tried and true for my 2 boys and some friends........Walmart sells a brand of sippy cups called Nubby, they are shaped like an hour glass and have a screw on cover with a soft silicon spout. Lots of times they will have them in a big box in the main isle of the baby section or in the sippy cup section. These have worked wonders for many parents they still give them the comfort of sucking but not on a bottle and its the next step to a sippy cup. They are very reasonably priced like 1.99 each, ouf course my boys are 7and 4...........so who knows how much now.....give it a shot!! they love them!
2007-03-21 15:52:00
answer #7
answered by hairstyle 3
try a sippy cup it is 1 of the best things 2 do 4 your baby.
2007-03-21 15:48:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You dont have to worry about getting a baby off the bottle until they're at least a year old. If you're worried about her teeth, just make sure that they get brushed 2-3 times a day and if she has a bottle at night, give her water instead of milk.
2007-03-21 15:45:25
answer #9
answered by Amanda 7
She should still be on formula or breast milk until 1 year old. A baby under a eyar shouldn't have more than 4-6 oz. of juice a day and shouldn't have cow's milk yet either. i would suggest waiting till one year before taking off the bottle.
2007-03-21 16:11:24
answer #10
answered by s7e28w81 5