I did this with my last baby but I didn't have any back problems. Just relax and try to stay home as long as possible before going to the hospital. I have learned that when you go to the hospital too early they push the medication down your throat. I remember them asking me every time they went in and were shocked that I told them no. My first two I had something to take the edge off but not an epidural. I am so scared of that long needle that they put into your back.
Good Luck
2007-03-21 13:47:54
answer #1
answered by letigutierrez77 3
Hi there, I have had 2 natural births both without epidurals, not because I am a ''drug free'' type of person but because I am more petrified of the epidural than i am of everything else! The First time round I had a 23 hour labour and ended up tearing the whole thing open (sorry tmi) as my daughter decided to pull her arm up and out whilst being born, I seriously didn't even feel the tearing happen, 27 stitches later I was still relieved I had escaped the epidural. The second time round I was in Labour for 4 hours and my son was 9 pounds 11 ounces so again I tore about an inch without even noticing and ended up with 17 stitches again I was very relieved not have had an epidural. I am about to have my next bub in a few weeks, my birth plan consists of one thing and that is under no circumstance do i want an epidural even If i end up needing a c-section they will need to put me under a general anaesthetic as there is no way in hell I would let them put in an epidural. Good Luck.
2016-03-28 22:54:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I had my daughter naturally, and, even though I thought I was going to die, I didn't, and I wouldn't change what happened for the world. The pain was worth every second of it, and it only made me appreciate the struggles and the triumphs to being a mother!
I didn't take any classes though, and now I wish I had. Learn to COMPLETELY relax your entire body. Yoga is a good way to learn this. Hypnobirthing is also very good. When you can relax all your muscles that don't need to be working, your body will be able to work the muscles that DO need to be working more efficiently. You also won't become as exhausted. When your in labor, think "open, open" with each contraction, and keep your limbs and face limp. It will become more difficult before you can push, but after you get to the pushing part, you will feel MUCH relief! It is just the last few centimeters that you have to get through.
Stay at home as long as possible, and walk or rest until you are having to really concentrate through each contraction. Drink lots of water, to stay hydrated, and get LOTS and LOTS of sleep before your due date. You will need all of your energy, and things hurt worse when your tired!! You CAN do this!! And just tell yourself that you WILL do this. I wish you the best of luck!
2007-03-21 14:47:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I have two kids. The first child was born vaginally with no pain killers what-so-ever. That is why the second birth included anything they would give me to alleviate the pain. I'm not a wimp but I don't know why they don't have support groups for the trauma that some women experience giving birth. It is, by far, the most physically painful experience anyone could ever endure! Please keep in mind that every woman is different, every hospital is different and every doctor is different. Just do what you feel in your heart...either way, your labor will eventually come to an end and you will survive! Good luck!
2007-03-21 14:16:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I gave birth 8 weeks ago by a midwife, and it was 100% natural. I didn't even have an IV in. And one of the things that made me do it is just to show all those people who told me 'it cant be done' how wrong they were. The main reason being the safety of my baby. Birthing naturally is a wonderful thing and I wouldn't have given it up for the world. It does hurt bad, but once you see that little face looking back at you, you remember why you did it and all that pain goes away.
2007-03-21 13:59:46
answer #5
answered by boo kitty 4
I got the epidural at the last minute, so i cant tell you what it's like but up to the point I got the epidural breathing and ice chips made me the happiest person in the world.
The breathing and positions that you learn in the childbirth classes work like a charm.
I wanted to go natural without drugs too, and I should have, but everything was going so fast I just gave in!
You can do it! Just make sure everything is teh way you want it and it will be so much better
2007-03-21 14:26:06
answer #6
answered by MyOpinionMatters 4
I was in labor for only 6 hours but it was hard labor. I woke up at 5 in the morning and my contractions were only 1 1/2 minutes apart. I too have a high tolerance for pain. I had a shot of Demerol..it makes you sleepy. I still felt ever contraction.
The contractions feel like you have to use the bathroom but you can't. I just remember everyone telling me that I couldn't push and I wanted to sooooooo bad! I'm trying for my second child 10 years later....haha
2007-03-21 13:50:15
answer #7
answered by loveonna 2
Staying calm is the key! Just really use your breathing and you'll do fine. Hopefully you'll go into labor on your own and it will be slow and steady. I don't have a VERY high pain tolerence, but I can remain calm and I used the heck out of my breathing techniques. It makes all the difference. You'll do fine!!! I'm not going to lie, there will be times when you'll want to beg for something, but just try to stay focused and before you know it, you'll have that beautiful baby in your arms!! Good luck!!!
2007-03-21 13:51:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Natural child birth is the most beautiful thing in the world that a woman can do. I have 4 kids and i went natural for all of them. The key to it is stay calm and breath. One more thing don't let every member of the family in the room with you. Just your husband and maybe your mother or close friend. The more people in the room telling you what to do the more worried and upset you get.
2007-03-21 13:48:18
answer #9
answered by Kristie S 2
i had c-section with first and normal birth with second, only time i used gas and air was when i tore and was being stitched
now everyone is different some can handle pain some cant,im going to try and explain in my own words what labour is
if you suffer from terrible crap pains during a period and ever been constipated ,but your stomache tightens this is a contraction,if you can handle this kind of pain your half way there,the hardest part is pushing the head out, but once that is out its over within minutes
as long as you push when midwife tells you and to stop when she says you'll be fine
no matter how much pain you go through its worth it, to see and hold your beautiful baby at the end of it all
good luck
2007-03-21 13:55:30
answer #10
answered by ♥♥™Tia™♥♥ 6