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2007-03-21 11:35:18 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

26 answers

ok sweety..... let me give you the low down on having an orgasm. You will know when you have an orgasm because you will want to have another one. ......and another one.......and another one......Play with your clit and think of something very sexy to turn you on. Your mind control has a huge part in this. Once you are turned on and the rubbing on the clit feels great you are on your way. Your breathing will get heavy and deep, and you body starts to tense up. You feel this warm build up sensation in the pit of your genitals. It may feel like you need to pee but keep going.. and dont stop. You feel it build up more and more and you cant control it and BAM!!! The huge built up in released and your vagina starts to contract. It felt like a sneeze but only alot better and its in the pit of your stomach..... thats how you will know you had an orgasm.....

Good Luck and many many happy orgasms!!

2007-03-21 11:39:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

An orgasm. well, i guess it is when you reach that point when u are being satisfied by your partner and u feel so extremely good that you cant posibly feel better and it feels like all that great sensation is accumulating and it will explode, ( in a good way) then you let that sensation go and it feels relaxing, almost like when you feel like u cant sneez , u cant u cant u cant and then finally you do..and it feels good, well an orgasm is kinda like that, a very good feeling that when u let go of it, you feel lighter, you feel more relaxed, and it can get u in a really good mood ;) . im guessing u never had one, dont rush to it just to know how it feels.

2007-03-21 19:07:05 · answer #2 · answered by v.n.d <3 2 · 0 0

The quickest way is to use a vibrator. Many women do not have orgasm from intercourse alone. The penis in the vagina does not usually rub the clitoris, so intercourse does not always do it in an inexperienced woman (of any age) . I would recommmend masturbation with a vibrator. Once you know what it feels like you can better achieve it in actual sexual intercourse. And to men: what do you think foreplay is for?

2007-03-21 19:03:44 · answer #3 · answered by tlbrown42000 6 · 0 0

an orgasm is what you get from sex or masturbation it feels great
The technical explanation is
Orgasm is the conclusion of the plateau phase of the sexual response cycle, and is experienced by both males and females. It is accompanied by quick cycles of muscle contraction in the lower pelvic muscles, which surround both the anus and the primary sexual organs. Orgasms are often associated with other involuntary actions, including vocalizations and muscular spasms in other areas of the body, and a generally euphoric sensation.

2007-03-21 18:38:43 · answer #4 · answered by ♫Rock'n'Rob♫ 6 · 5 0

An orgasm feels like your whole body is tingling and is relaxed afterwards. It's the peak of a sexual experience. Very amazing :)

2007-03-21 18:38:53 · answer #5 · answered by **** 1 · 5 0

"An orgasm cant be described with words no matter what you say about theres always something you cant." Me!
Oter than my quote...its the best feeling in the world

2007-03-21 21:06:24 · answer #6 · answered by TheJesterTwist 4 · 0 0

It's a wonderful thing you are going to discover one day. It's a highly pleasant physical sensation. What exactly one physically feels varies from person to person, but I guess you may call it the peak of sexual pleasure. It will happen to you, all in due time.

2007-03-21 18:56:15 · answer #7 · answered by praha 2 · 0 0

An orgasm is like seeing a U.F.O. You know it happened but wasn't sure what it was and can't get anyone to believe you.

2007-03-21 18:40:18 · answer #8 · answered by doc 6 · 0 1

An orgasm is the climax of sexual intercourse and it feels lie your in heaven.

2007-03-21 18:39:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It is when a man and woman have sex, the ultimate feeling they give each other-or when a person masterbates and get the feeling on their own.
Its an heavenly feeling that comes natural.

2007-03-21 18:38:33 · answer #10 · answered by sunflare63 7 · 1 2

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