cereal is meant to supplement, not replace the bottle, her main nutrition should still come from breast milk or formula. When I just started out on the cereal, I gave my son some in the morning (like two tablespoons mixed) in addition to a 4-6 oz bottle and then I gave him another two tablespoons of cereal for supper and he got his regular bedtime bottle about an hour and a half later. Continue giving her the bottle during the day and work up to giving her cereal (or other foods, when you start them) for her meals. By the time she is approx. a year old they can have the regular three meals a day and then snacks. And if you chose to, you could take her off the bottle then.
2007-03-21 08:57:43
answer #1
answered by bluekitty8098 4
I added cereal to my 5 month old twins feeding schedule. I didn't replace their formula feedings. I feed my boys their first am bottle and then two hours later I feed them their cereal. After 1 1/2 hrs to 2 hrs I feed them another bottle. And so on. I started with rice, because that settles the best. Once they grew accustomed to that, I added oatmeal and then barley. Be sure to wait a few days before you add a new cereal. You want to look for any allergic reactions. Remember, if you are mixing her cereal with formula, you can take the ounces into consideration. As she starts eating more cereal (up to 1 cup a feeding 3x a day) she obviously won't take in as much formula. Talk to your pediatrician and they can tell you how much formula she needs to be taking in daily.
2007-03-21 08:55:23
answer #2
answered by Paige S 1
Don't replace feedings yet. Keep her same schedule for feedings right now, just let her get used to the cereal for a while. What I used to do is do a feeding, wait an hour or so and then try cereal. If she doesn't eat it, don't force her. Just take it slow. Stick to this schedule for around a week, and then try replacing a middle feeding, not before bed and not right as she wakes up. You can kind of judge when the best time is for her. If she seems like she is still hungry after you feed her, try cereal and see what she does. Most babies will still act hungry after a feeding if they need more, or want food.
2007-03-21 08:55:15
answer #3
answered by odd duck 6
My son just started eating solids too. Usually he wants the largest amount of food in the morning since he sleeps though the night with out a feeding so I started him off by giving him probably 5 baby spoonfuls of cereal and then he has his usual amount of formula, 8 ounces.
From then on he just sticks with his usual amount of formula at all the rest of his feedings throughout the day. We just started this and he seems to be satisfied. I'm sure when he gets bigger we will do the same thing at every feeding like we do at breakfast, a little solid food and then some formula.
2007-03-21 08:57:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The cereal does not replace the formula....that is where most of the nutrients come from. So she should be receiving a bottle regardless if she is eating cereal or not. I would say start off with one feeding of cereal a day and then gradually go up from there.
2007-03-21 08:53:33
answer #5
answered by mom2ace 4
cereal does not replace the bottle. after she drinks her bottle (whatever she wants) give her some cereal either once or twice a day. remember she doesnt need much cereal right now. make sure she gets her milk and any solids she wants AFTER her milk is fine. If she starts drinking less milk then back off the solids.
2007-03-21 08:58:17
answer #6
answered by jon jon's girl 5
Here's my six month olds schedule
7am Bottle
9am Cereal with fruit
11:00am bottle
1:00 pm Cereal with veggie
4pm bottle
6pm meat, veggie and fruit
8:30 pm bottle
2007-03-21 09:06:59
answer #7
answered by qpook 3
When i started feeding my daughter, I gave her a little bit of cereal at morning,noon and night. If she seems to like that you can try sweet potatos, carrots etc. My daughter loved the custard. I mixed the cereal with formula.
2007-03-21 08:53:31
answer #8
answered by Stuck in the middle of nowhere 7
PLEASE do your resaerch and don't trust the answers you get on here. ALL babies NEED the entire 1st year is breastmilk or formula. It SHOULD comprise MOST of their diet the entire 1st year.
Solids (this includes cereals) are for learning new taste and texture. It's fun. It's a learning experience, but she doesn't NEED solids at this point.
Solids should compliment, not replace, breastmilk or formula during the 1st 12 months.
ETA: And since some rude, ignorant person decided to try and place a rude comment on my blog--all my answers given on yahoo answers are based on MEDICAL STUDIES. They are based on SCIENTIFIC FACTS, not just "well I did this" or "this worked for my friend"
Babies do not have the digestive enzymes needed to digest solid food until at least 6 months of age. The earilie you introduce possable allergens (food) to your baby, the more likely they are to be allergic.
Parents of babies that are high risk for allergies are often advised to NOT introduce solids at all until the baby has reached at least 1 year old.
I tell the asker to do their reaserch, and their research of medical evidence and scientific facts will back up my answers!
AND IF I give such terrible answers, why do I have 29% of my answers chosen as best answer??
If you don't believe me, ask your doctor kddelarue!
2007-03-21 09:42:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Go by your baby. If she doesn't want to eat she'd turn her head or eyes, won't open her mouth or cry. When I started my babe on cereal, I gave her a little bowl when we ate (breakfast, lunch and dinner). She is now almost 9 months old and always eats with us at meal time. I think it is important to start them eating with you at an early age.
My advice is to follow your baby's lead. They are all so different and they will tell you if they've had enough.
2007-03-21 08:55:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous