Heh. Don't give people too much credit. A lot of the time, they just decide to have sex, and even that much of the time doesn't have a whole lot of forethought. The children just happen along after the fact.
So probably the biggest contributor is the 'delusion of immunity'. Most people have a dozen varieties of this particular critter. People are surprised when they get in a car accident, even though the probably hear of several local ones a day. I've heard stories of criminals on the lam who would watch America's Most Wanted and laugh at the guys who got caught.
And in some circles 'I can't get pregnant' is the most common form of birth control. (It doesn't work too well)
But if you're looking for other reasons why people might actually plan such an occurrance, I can think of a few that I've heard of. Mind you, these aren't all great reasons, but I can think of at least one example for each:
- It's a life goal they wish to accomplish.
- They are societally conditioned to believe they want this.
- Love of children.
- Desire for a challenge.
- A love of self being expressed through replication.
- To try and cement a failing relationship.
- Correct wrongs inflicted on them as children.
- Revenge against other people.
- To produce a suitable organ donor.
- To 'fit in'.
- Accommodating a possible future desire.
...and that's just for starters, I'm sure. Hope that helps! Peace.
2007-03-21 08:22:56
answer #1
answered by Doctor Why 7
Ovulation or not ovulation, concious or not concious, sometimes love is sooo strong and beautiful that you think you blend in with the person you love. At that point of time in love, or sex, you really do not care about ovulating or not...it just happens, an unexplained theory, of love, and all....do u think people conciously decide okay, i have a boyfreind, so ill get pregnant. No. No one does. Unless its the energy of love that works, I think....
2007-03-21 08:42:06
answer #2
answered by arya 5
I would say, "to pass on one's seed." It is normal for mankind to reproduce a descendent that will continue a heritage. Abraham knew the great responsibility in this and produced two entire nations (who are constantly at war with each other) (Gen 25:19-ff). "Be fruitful and multiply."
2007-03-21 08:50:21
answer #3
answered by Erkomai 1
To have someone to look after and care about; if in France, and you already have 2 kids, you can get money from the government by having another...
2007-03-21 08:17:46
answer #4
answered by Jill D. 1
its instrinct isnt it. survival of the species. u jus hit a point where ull want to. thats the only reason were actually biological attracted to each other.
2007-03-21 08:25:05
answer #5
answered by lucynewis 2
It is a species imperative. Social pressures suppress, but do not relieve this imperative.
2007-03-21 09:10:35
answer #6
answered by Terry 7
Because we're bored, because they're cute, because it's a tax benefit, because it might fill our lives with joy, because we want to carry on the family name, because we want someone to take care of us when we're old, because we're lonely, etc.
2007-03-21 10:14:11
answer #7
answered by Todd W 3
2007-03-21 08:36:27
answer #8
answered by dieturtledie 2