It must be you. Accept it, you suck.
2007-03-21 07:55:49
answer #1
answered by jujubah_01 5
I think it's you. Except for the wimpy obstruction calls and a crappy commish, overall I think Hockey is better than ever. I, for one, have enjoyed the effect the European players have had in improving the skill level of the game. I grew up watching Hockey in the 60's and 70's and every 5 mins a fight would break out and slow the game down, what a waste. I always hated it.
You're probably right about some of the placement of teams in the wrong markets, but why would we want to try to put more teams in Canada? You guys couldn't even keep the ones you had. For a country who's people are supposed to be weaned on Hockey, I would be embarrassed by the lack of support the fans have given over the years.
As far as changes go, the only thing I would like to see is a standardization of the rink size to the dimensions they use in Europe in order to open up the ice more.
2007-03-21 10:38:57
answer #2
answered by MajorTom © 6
It's just you. There are some dumb ideas,out there, but one of them is shrinking the NHL. So is expanding the nets. The size of the NHL is good, I would move some teams, but mainly stuff like Florida (they have TB, That's enough) And I would never get rid of any teams, and I would not allow any Cup winning teams to move. I think that the heritage there is important.
superstars? I'm glad there aren't stars on all teams. Often, it's a one man show. Watching a team is so much more interesting, and the team wins a lot too. A superstar is no good if there is no team there- Look at Gretzky anywhere but the oilers. Hockey is a team sport- if you don't like that, watch NASCAR.
And attendance has been going up. I'm guessing you haven't been part of that. It's still fun to go to a game.
2007-03-21 09:56:30
answer #3
answered by The Big Box 6
i agree, someone put a stick through bettmans ears and drop him in the lake. Don Cherry would be the greatest commissioner in all of the history of sports. not just hockey. His attitutde is exactly what hockey needs... NO BS! straight shooting and honest. Cherry is the MAN!
I live in Phoenix and would like to keep the coyotes, even though Gretzky is an awful coach and the team sucks, and they give away great talent like Mike Comrie for a bag of pucks in trades. It still brings REAL hockey teams to my neighborhood where i can go. And i do go to a lot of games each year. I would love to cheer for the coyotes but they need to make a lot of other changes not that they finally changed those horrible unis.
2007-03-21 10:59:11
answer #4
answered by hemitheus 2
First of all, attendance has been going up since the new rule changes. Now Ive been a hockey fan my whole life, I have always loved the sport, and will always love the sport. The new penatly rules have slowed down the game a bit but the touch-up offsides and waving off of icing makes up for it. I am all for moving more teams up north and getting rid of the ones in Cali, Florida, and Texas. Although I understand that they are trying to reach new audiences and spread the wonderful game to all those southern hicks but they are too stupified with their NASCAR and lynchings that they dont know a great game when they see one. As far as your initial question, it is just you. Hockey is hockey and it is awesome.
2007-03-21 07:43:56
answer #5
answered by lazyjbob 5
It's you. There will always be something to complain about and I think Bettman is a weasel but I have been loving this season.
Attendance is up in most arenas too. They need to get better coverage in the states and I would love to see teams in Winnipeg, etc. Don't like the south, feel they don't have the heart for hockey but....
But I love the shoot out and many of the adjustments and while I wasn't for any changes initially, I love this game now.
2007-03-21 08:03:18
answer #6
answered by Lori 6
When sports finally realize that the commissioner should be doing what they are doing for the good of the sport and not just the owners we'll finally see decent leaders of ALL pro leagues. Buttman is killing the game we love here in Canada. If you can't skate, you can't be the commish. There should be full equipment tryouts.
2007-03-21 09:43:56
answer #7
answered by PuckDat 7
yes, i mean come on! in the past there there were probably one fight per game of every game on every night, and if u were lucky, there would be a big brawl
u hear an expression like "this is just like old time hockey" maybe once in a month and i gota tell u the truth... i miss old time hockey!
2007-03-21 10:36:01
answer #8
answered by Nolan B 2
Dude, hockey is hockey. Just enjoy it. They should allow for a little more physical play though.
2007-03-21 08:51:41
answer #9
answered by hockeyislife18 3
sometimes change is good, i think cherry would make an excellent commisioner, i don't need higher scoring games to watch hockey, bettemen is a complete idiot. i'm sorry that canada doesn't have more teams for you, but thanks to quebec for the avalanche
2007-03-21 07:27:52
answer #10
answered by sshueman 5
Sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of their Molson's this morning.
2007-03-21 07:36:16
answer #11
answered by zaphodsclone 7