Well you are gonna die anyway - so why not enjoy yourself if that is what you like to do.
2007-03-21 06:47:31
answer #1
answered by sugar_pink_candy 5
Smoking is bad and drinking is bad. Smokers usually get in the habit at a young age and once you get hooked, it is very hard to quit. I have never smoked, but I do drink. I drink at parties and get togethers with family. We all get together and have a good time watching football during the summer and I will have one or two beers and eveyone else will have at least three. Drinking isnt bad until you get drunk. Its proven to help your heart.
2007-03-22 04:11:06
answer #2
answered by Ariel 5
i do it for a lot of reasons, i know the concequences and i make a rational decision as a human being that what i put into my body has nothing to do with others so long as i do not harm them in any way. and if people dont stop moaning im going to blow a lot sof secondary smoke their way! ooops was that to harsh? im sorry im just tense because i havent had a smoke lol!
2007-03-21 06:52:06
answer #3
answered by ? 2
i enjoy having a drink occasionaly and i am in process of quiting smoking. but everybody has their own bad habbits. and not to mention at times they are both very enjoyable just like it was to have sex with a complete stranger lol!! damn now i gotta go have a cig and a shot.
2007-03-21 06:55:40
answer #4
answered by onecrazymama05 4
Smoking is very bad, and I quit 2 and a half years ago. Drinking is not bad if you do it moderation.
2007-03-21 06:48:12
answer #5
answered by Jacqueline M 5
I rarely drink,and smoking on the other hand I don't do,cause it's not my style,and I'm too good,and pretty for that.I wanrt my kids to see a healthy mom =)
2007-03-21 06:48:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I personaly smoke because I am addicted i have tried to quit and then before you know your smoking and dont even realize it till its too late
2007-03-21 06:48:02
answer #7
answered by cwilsonhappylife 3
i don't smoke,i do drink because i like it,do you ever eat burgers or chips or anything over 50% fat? thats bad for you too
2007-03-21 06:48:06
answer #8
answered by ♥cozicat♥ 5
Just because it IS baad in the very best sense of the word!
2007-03-21 06:47:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It is personal choice and unless I woke up in a communist country this morning it is my right to act upon my choice.
2007-03-21 07:14:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous