I'm assuming your doctor knows about the colic? Doctors say it's colic, but I strongly believe that there are reasons for babies crying "for no reason". My son had "colic" for 2 months, until I started doing a little research on the internet with all of his symptoms. I found out that he had all the symptoms of GERD (gastroesophogeal reflux disease) and also a milk protein allergy, which I urged the ped to send me to a specialist to confirm. After the 3rd visit for constipation and gassiness, she reluctantly sent me. He was diagnosed with both at that time and had to go on medicine for the GERD and Alimentum by Similac. It was a predigested formula for babies with allergies.
Lo and behold! New baby! Never had "colic" again. He was the same way as you explained when you lay her down she wakes up in 5-10 minutes. I was accused by people of 'spoiling' him and that's why I couldn't put him down. Wasn't true at all.
He also would keep pulling away from the bottle, arch his back and scream. He spit up quite a bit. His burps would sound louder than his father and they were 'wet burps'. He was never comfortable on his back or in his car seat. Anything that put pressure on his tummy was not a good thing. (those were his symptoms of GERD) There are others.
His symptoms of the milk protein allergy was constipaton 24/7. (Had to actually give him suppositories at one point) He pooped green (that is a sign of an allergic reaction or infection). And when he did poop on his own, it was hard and formed.
Does your baby have any "symptoms" similar to this or maybe other ones? They always try to tell you when something isn't right, you just have to look for clues and cues.
2007-03-21 06:51:55
answer #1
answered by Christy 2
With my son, the best thing was the swing or the vibrating bassinette. The motion helps them to get comfortable. Also, when she is awake give her some tummy time. They can pass gas easier while laying on the tummy.
If you're breastfeeding, be careful of what you eat because it can make the colic worse. Garlic, onions, certain cheeses and spicy foods do not agree with baby. Also the Rh factor could be playing a part. If you are Rh positive and your baby is negative your milk could be making her gassy. Talk to your pediatrician about this.
On the other hand if she is on formula you may need to change to a soy formula for now. My son calmed down instantly when I started giving him Good Start soy formula. Not all formulas are good for all babies.
2007-03-21 06:17:53
answer #2
answered by blazenphoenix 4
There is a book by Dr. Karp called "The Happiest Baby On The Block". My sister-in-law told me about after watching him on Dr. Phil. Basically, he breaks it down that there are five S's to help soothe a baby: Shhh--which is white noise, Shaking--which is movement (not really shaking the baby!), Sucking--pacifier or your clean finger, Swaddling--wrap her up tight, and the Side--which is laying her on her side instead of on her back where she can feel vulnerable. When my daughter was very little, she always got upset around 5 pm. We would turn on a CD that sounds like ocean water, swaddle her tightly, pop a pacifier in her mouth and rock her. It's the combination of the 5 S's that really did the trick. When you're completely desperate, turn on the television to a "non-channel' or snow, and crank it up. There's a "shutdown" reflex that should help your daughter relax. Also, don't forget the wonders of Mylicon drops. If it's gas, she can get immediate relief. Good luck! Oh, I almost forgot--Enfamil and Target carry a brand of Formula that is made for "fussy" babies. I breastfed and supplemented, and Amber seemed to really like this stuff better. I believe it is partially broken down or something.
2007-03-21 07:28:22
answer #3
answered by Jenn 4
What kind of formula are you on or are you breastfeeding. Sometimes a formula change to something easier for digestion helps. If you are breast feeding, watch you diet.
Colic babies like motion and movement, it soothes them. Get a cradle swing or a bouncy chair. I would buy Playtex bottles with the drop in liners and push out all the air before giving it to her.
I use gentlease formula from Enfamil and it is 75% lactose free and the proteins are broken down already. Sometimes a soy formula is a good alternative to try.
Colic does get better, but I didn't see improvement until 4 months of age. these are all the things I did for my son and they did help some.
Good luck and it will get better-hang in there!
2007-03-21 06:56:01
answer #4
answered by qpook 3
There are a few things you could try. I don't know if you breastfeed or formula feed, but if you breastfeed, it could be something you eat. A big thing is dairy, I would try to skip it for about a week and see if that helps. If you formula feed, try a lactose free formula like Enfamil Nutramigen....works like a charm. It will give her runny diapers for the first few days, but it really helps their attitudes!
Another thing to consider, for the gas, would be something called Gripe Water. You can get it at most pharmacies, but I have not been able to find it at Wal-Mart. You can give it to babies over a month old, and the bax tells you to give a baby at 3 months 5 Ml I believe. It worked wonders for my gasy baby!
2007-03-21 06:19:35
answer #5
answered by AdoptiveMama 4
They have this belly band for babies with colic. I think it might be worth a try if you can't get her to sleep at all. I have a colicky baby as weel and the only thing that helps her sleep is slight pressure on her tummy. Good luck.
2007-03-21 06:16:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
My first child was colicky as well. When I took her to the doctor, he told me she was just hungry and to feed her more often. Needless to say, that didn't work. I would lie on the sofa and allow her to fall asleep on my chest while I was reading or watching TV, that seemed to help (the nearness and the sound of my heartbeat.)
2007-03-21 06:25:53
answer #7
answered by SodaLicious 5
One of my twins, Lucy had the same problem. We used a product called GripeWater that helped some, it's a naturopathic remedy. Also, she might have reflux going on. We had Lucy on baby Zantac for about 6 months, that really helped. See your doctor.
2007-03-21 06:21:33
answer #8
answered by abrainconnected 2
2007-03-21 06:24:46
answer #9
answered by Aaron L 1