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Those who believe that human life begins at conception cannot ethically approve
therapeutic cloning research. For them, such research is equivalent to killing a living child
in order to harvest its organs for the benefit of others. Some of those who think this way,
however, might nonetheless find acceptable research on human stem cells derived from
embryos left over from in vitro fertilization procedures. They reason, rightly or wrongly,
that these embryos are certain to be destroyed and that at least some good might result
from using the cells. But therapeutic cloning remains totally unacceptable to such people
because it involves the deliberate creation of what they deem to be a human being in
order to destroy it.

Additional Question: What is the moral status of the organisms created by cloning?


2007-03-21 04:35:28 · 5 answers · asked by Skynaut 4 in Social Science Psychology

5 answers

The key word in your question is "DISCARDED". Instead of asking if this is morally okay, we SHOULD be asking if it could EVER be morally okay to discard something that might save an already existing life or alleviate an already living person's suffering!

It never fails to amaze me how little regard those who claim to be so concerned about the welfare of the "unborn" have for the welfare of those who already HAVE been born and are here among us right now!
What if one of those babies they wanted so badly to bring into the world develops a cruel and traumatic disease that could be cured as a result of stem cell research? How much do they care about that SAME child then?
I have read somewhere - no I don't remember right now just where that was - that those legislators who have the firmest, most solid anti-abortion voting records also have the WORST voting records when it comes to legislation protecting children who have ALREADY BEEN born.
They seem unduly concerned about GETTING them INTO the world but couldn't care less about protecting them from diseases, poverty and abuse after that!
(Gee, it's almost enough to make a person think that these jerks are not REALLY concerned about all those unborn babies at all, but just want to make sure that the problems of dealing with an unwanted pregnancy remain in effect as a punishment for the terrible sin of trying to exercise a normal, healthy sex life.)

I have also read recently that the globs of fat removed in liposuction procedures are a productive source of stem cells. Why are we not hearing more about THAT? A disembodied glob of fat has no potential for assuming the status of a living organism! Even the most pragmatic naysayer could find no fertile ground for controversy there.

As to the matter of "federal funds", the government wastes astronomical amounts of money every day on projects, subjects and programs that do NO ONE any good. Why shouldn't they finance something that has some GENUINE potential to help people, for a change?

And now the "cloning" portion of the question - the "moral status" of organisms created by cloning should be no different than that of similar organisms created by any other means. HOW it gets here should be of little or no concern - just the fact that it IS here - and alive - should be all the info anyone needs.

2007-03-21 10:36:11 · answer #1 · answered by monarch butterfly 6 · 0 0

Well I don't believe we should do research on embryos since they are actual people.

So far, we have only been able to clone animals, therefore the moral status of them is the same at it is of other animals with experimentation and such. They don't have souls, so doing research on them is not a problem.

If technology gets to the point that it is able to clone humans, the moral status of them would be the same as it is for any other human.

Have you ever seen the movie "The Island?" It is excellent on this issue.

2007-03-21 11:44:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In the past, if you disagreed with the church, you died. Pay back is hell. Every one of those aborted fetuses is a potential christian, or islamic, or jew, or what ever. It really pisses them off, thats the payroll were talkin here. But rather than put them in little plastic dishes, and toss em in the furnace, we should harvest whatever we can. See the moons around Jupiter. Take a lesson, even if it isn't in the bible, or koran, or torah.

2007-03-21 11:49:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2007-03-21 11:43:20 · answer #4 · answered by dashelamet 5 · 0 0

let it go man. there is no wrong anymore...

2007-03-21 11:40:35 · answer #5 · answered by dr.macgruder 4 · 0 2

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