1) make sure your diagnosis is correct - this website has ich, oodinium (velvet) which looks like ich, plus others: http://www.fishdeals.com/fish_diseases/stressdisease.shtml Ich is highly contagious - the parasite has a multi-stage lifecycle, with only one stage on the fish - the one where treatments will be ineffective. The only stages that respond to medication are those that are free-swimming, and treatment should continue for 2 weeks. DO NOT discontinue earlier than this, even if the white spots disappear.
2) I agree with Kylie - 2 goldfish and a pleco are a lot of fish for a 10 gallon. If this was a new tank and not cycled, ammonia was probably the cause - there's a section for ammonia poisoning as well.
See the sources below for info on ich and cycling a tank:
2007-03-22 18:05:47
answer #1
answered by copperhead 7
Do NOT move the pleco! Ick is a parasite that happens when fish are stressed. The parasite gets under the slime layer and eats away at the fish. With the added stress of moving him, the Ick would more than likely kill him. Also, yes, he would transmit it to the other fish.
Here is what you do:
You either A) get medicine from the store and follow the directions on the bottle or B) "bake" the tank(with the tank heater inside the tank!) to 90* for two or three hours. Not longer, or your pleco may die. This is what we do whenever we have an outbreak of ick and it has worked every time. Ick usually shows up when fish are cold, as thats when they get stressed. Make sure your tank is at least 75* and in the green on a thermometer. This should reduce chances of Ick happening again.
2007-03-21 03:02:59
answer #2
answered by Sputz 3
Ick looks like tiny white spots on the tails and body of fish.
Ick is very contagious. If one fish in the tank has is, soon they all will. Untreated ick will kill fish.
The cure is really inexpensive and easy to get. Go to your local pet store or even Walmart. In the fish section they have tablets for ick that you just drop in the tank. Read the instructions on the box. It will tell you how much to use.
Sometimes it takes mor than 1 dose to cure the fish.
Also get some anti fungal medicine for the fish while you are
there. Ick can sometimes lead to greenish yellow growths on the fish this is a secondary infection. Anti fungal med will cure this.
Keep both meds on hand at all times if you have fish.
It will save a lot of heart ache from dead fish.
2007-03-21 03:06:23
answer #3
answered by txharleygirl1 4
Just wanted to see if you got your answer. I have some fish at home too, one of them in the past has had ick. It is not something to really worry about but it must be taken care of. Go to Petsmart, and pick up some solution that is formulated for ICK. That will help the fish as well as the tank as a whole.
2007-03-21 05:46:09
answer #4
answered by ChicagoBella 1
they probably died of ammonia poisoning. goldfish need 20gallons each and most plecos get waaaay too big for a 10gallon. you should have had not less than a 30gallon with a good filter.
ick looks like someone sprinkled salt on your fish. just because a fish is sick or dies does not mean it has ick. ick is a parasite, you'll need to raise the temp to 80°-82°F and add some aquarium salt, 2.5teaspoons for a 10gallon tank. you can also get ick treatment at your petstore.
2007-03-21 02:58:57
answer #5
answered by Kylie Anne 7
go to pet store buy the Product "Ick" treat the tank daily, for about a week. Follow directions on label.
2007-03-21 03:02:01
answer #6
answered by spiritwalker 6
go to the petstore and get "white spot" medication, makes will vary from country to country, i have King British.
also, keep the tank clean, no slacking on your weekly water changes. white spot is often caused by stress and bad water quality. definately a problem in a small tank such as yours with 3 such huge waste producers.
is your plec a common plec? in which case he's going to need a MUCH larger tank, a 90-100 gallon once he reaches adulthood.
for future reference, goldfish and plecs shouldn't be mixed (oh my word so much POOPY! and plecs can be partial to a goldfishes slime coat, not to mention most plecs prefer tropical temperatures), and for a pair of goldfish you need a 30 gallon tank minimum.
2007-03-21 02:59:42
answer #7
answered by catx 7
U take ur fish in a bucket and put the air stone inside it ,take a mug and put a glass of water in it then add two hand full of salt in it and add half capsule of tetracycline medicine,mix it then pour it in the bucket .keep the fish for 1/2 an hour in the bucket then take it out and put it in a fresh water .....this is ayurvedic medicine treatment
2007-03-21 04:42:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Go to the pet store- they have stuff to put in the water.
2007-03-21 02:57:06
answer #9
answered by Jacqueline M 5
raise the temperature in the tank a little to kill the bacteria..
2007-03-21 03:13:48
answer #10
answered by sayasyoulike 4