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Whats the next public holiday to be? AK47 Tuesday?

2007-03-21 01:21:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

What exactly is the ANC trying to prove by all their mass rallies celebrating human rights when they blatantly support gross human rights violations committed by Uncle Bob and his cronies, brand whites racists for speaking out against the wave of murders, torture and violence that has for years had a grip on this country and that aligns itself with known human rights violators such as Russia, China, Cuba and Iran?
More hyocrisy from a delusional government and an inebriated president?

2007-03-21 01:32:08 · update #1

London - Hi, as far as I am aware today is human rights day and 16 June is "Youth Day", I may need correction on this, I'm not really bothered by all of these ridiculous public holidays. As for December 16, the ANC have also renamed that holiday, I think its now called "Day of Reconciliation". When Zuma gets in in 2009 I'm almost certain we will get an AK47 Tuesday, mark my words.

2007-03-21 03:48:09 · update #2

14 answers

When this idiot is not at work, it goes to the rallies.

For your information - On this day 1960 the racist white rule gunned down many unarmed oppressed black people just because they protested against being forced to carry
"dompass" while white privileged whites were allowed to ram the country. We will commemorate that day for years to come - lest we forget where we come from.

The "racist ANC government" has not intorduced dompass for whites. It respects their human rights.

LONDON & Co...... There is a gulf of a difference. The dompass was only meant for African men and women - not for coloureds, whites or indians. It was also used to curtain their movement in the country. If you don't know - My parents (and all other adult Africans) were not allowed to visit their relatives and sleep over from Alexandra to Soweto unless they have a "special pass" and their dompasses proved that they are in the first place allowed to travel to Soweto. On the other hand a white family had the right to travel from Messina to Cape Town with unlimited stop-overs without having had to get the "special pass", let alone the dompass. So, while some of you post drivel here, you should remember what the government that some of you and your parents supported did to us and our parents.

I would be the first to tell the ANC to "go hang" if they would hint doing that to the whites in this country. How we were treated was disgusting and the sooner you guys acknowledge that the better.

On March 21, 1960 the repressive apartheid government mowed down over sixty unarmed people who were delivering themseves to the police station for failing to keep the dompass with them.

Don't get me wrong - you have the right to rant, whinge and complain if things are not right. You also have the right to attack the present government if that maks you feel happy. But you should also know that some of us who lost our families because of the state-sponsored murders will not be cowed.

AND TO: THE BRAD GANG (who support the idea that the ANC government is "terrorist") While some of you call the current government "terrorists", you should equally be prepared to be called racists. The apartheid government used to call the ANC a terrorist organisation. Now those of you who left this country immediately after liberation were going away from terrorists - as you did not leave during the racist apartheid government, why can't we say you are racists?

So, one racist called Brad, who sits in the country whose President is loathed all over the world for terrorising other nations is always posting dirvel here and many of you - wittingly or otherwise - always run to his hate party! I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he was one of the security police who tortured and killed our comrades.

This moegoe had the gall to claim that Oprah pokes her nose in SA's affairs. At least Oprah is doing some good for the country while he is sitted in US finding different terminology to recycle one story again and again.

And these people say SA was better for blacks under apartheid. That's nonsense!
PS. This answer does not imply that every one of those attacking the government are racists. As said, you have the right to say what you want to say, but the truth is that some are plain racist and they hide behind "freedom of expression". I however take exception to some ridiculous statements while it is expected of some of us to be polite!

Alf: The problem with you is that you think that you are intelligent. You conveniently forget that your account of SA history was shaped by apartheid. You overrate your importance - the fact that so many of your broederband friends have been voting your answers best doesn't necessarily mean that you make sense, they just do it because their minds ae full of sand, just like you. You are the only one who comes with the theory of marcher of March 21 threatening to kill the police. You afre the only one who says the ANC organised that march. Free history lecture, dear prof, is that the PAC organised the march.

You are the only one who saw and heard the ANC government supporting Sani Abacha. In fact, Mandela is on record as pleading with that dictator to spare Ken Saro Wiwa - the ANC gov was even prepared to take him to SA with a guarantee that he would not be allowed to use the country to mobilise against Abacha - but at least his life would be spared and with the change of government he would return to his country.

What do you expect the SA gov to do. To invade Zimbabwe ala Iraq style? We ae not mad! We invade then do what after that - remain there and collect bodies in bags like in Iraq?

I've long time - and more than once - responded to your HIV/AIDS drivel. It's obvious that you have run out of fresh ideas, that's why you keep repeating yourself like a stuck record.

By the way, why didn't we ever heard abot you against apartheid government? Or were you part of the security branches. Tell me your real name and I'll investigate whether you were not part of the state sacntioned murderers!

Alf - Good prof of history and grammar: Your usual feel- intelligent-response imply that I said you had your formal education in apartheid school system. My english might be poor by your response shows a high degree of idiocity. You also conveniently avoid the fact that you and your "bond" brothers had been howling about HIV/AIDS for so long and that responses were given in the past.

The poorly educated me will never cease to be amazed by your odd intelligency. You accuse me of not responding to ANC atrocities while you conveniently avoided responding to my suggestion that you worked for apartheid government's security branch!

2007-03-21 02:23:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 6

While they are at it they can celebrate all the necklacings of the people who would not support the ANC, Winnie, Nelson, Thabo, Zuma, the bus strike, taxi strike etc. etc.

They can also support all the people in Zimbabwe who have been beaten, tortured, murdered and raped during the ANC´s quite "diplomacy".

They can support all the people who lost life and limb during the terrorist MK´s "liberation" attempts.

And they can do that with Nelson, Thabo and Jacob while they sing "kill the white man" songs.
Google it.

In addition:

10 points to Alf.

So if I understand Moloi´s thinking and reasoning - everything that the ANC does NOW is OK because of all the things that the black Africans had to suffer in the PAST.

Except, Moloi, we live in the PRESENT!
The NOW time!
What matters, is what happens NOW!!!

And according to your logic, the white South Africans who DARE to mention anything about the ANC or their human rights abuses are racist opressors of the black people for ever more!

Very nice, and with the ever present underlying black African racist sentiment towards whites, the horrific crime based on a culture of violence and corruption, and the double standard politics promoted by an almost wholly corrupt and incompetent government birthed from the notion that freedom can be achieved through violence, Phew, you still have the audacity to conclude that some whites who have left must be racist.

"something is rotten in the state of South Africa"

the ANC continue to support Mugabe - NOW TIME/PRESENT (and thereby allowing all the present human rights abuses to continue)
the ANC say that the whites are racist for complaining about crime - NOW/PRESENT
they continue with their ridiculous stance on HIV/AIDS (thereby condemming thousands upon thousands of people who don´t receive proper treatment or medication to their death) - NOW/PRESENT
the embarrassing corruption continues within political circles, while money intended for the poor continues to line the pockets of those in government - NOW/PRESENT
etc. etc.

So what have the whites in South Africa done NOW that´s so bad, other than call a spade a spade. (no pun intended!)

You know, if it looks like $hit and smells like $hit, it´s probably $hit, but I guess some white people really need their heads shoved in it too - to be absolutely DEAD cetain! (pun intended!)

2007-03-21 11:39:08 · answer #2 · answered by turniton5 3 · 0 0

Hi Bull,

Firstly a comment to Moloi - we might not carry passes anymore but do tell, what is the ID Book if not a pass by another name?

So now Would Human Rights Day be 16th June by any chance? i don't keep up anymore - cause that's the day the school children were all shot.

Interesting thought does SA still do 16 December Blood River Day? also part of our history but probably not politically correct anymore?

Now AK47 Tuesday is one I would relish. We could all gather in suitably appropriate and safe places and learn to use one - wouldn't that be fun?.

2007-03-21 10:39:11 · answer #3 · answered by london.oval 5 · 1 3

I understood and celebrated it when it was called Sharpeville Day. Since they renamed it Human Rights Day, it has lost a lot of its significance. Most people dont even know what happened on thing day on the 21st of March 1960. Its sad really.

PS. I was watching the cricket and having beers. Thats how I spent the day. Its a beautiful thing.

2007-03-22 04:21:22 · answer #4 · answered by Wanda 2 · 1 1

Hey Moloi you are absolutely correct i can't fault you at all that was a very dark time in our history and should never be repeated again, i know only too well what discrimination feels like my family and community was heavily discriminated against ,firstly we were catholics not protestants, we were not of Dutch or Germanic background but Portuguese, the fu*king Afrikaners used to refer to my people as "see kaffirs"
because the early ones were fishermen, so you are not alone resentment runs deep on all sides.

2007-03-21 23:38:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The Idiots have nothing better to do....
"Human Rights Day"..... My Eye....Old Indian Saying....''ANC Speaks With Forked Tongue''

Practice What You Preach.....

2007-03-21 20:30:37 · answer #6 · answered by §§ André §§ 3 · 1 1

I understand and do bear in mind the occurences that lead to this day being what it is... If you dont want to celebrate or remember, its fine. There are those to whom it means something....
As for December 16... can we just celebrate it coz I was born on that day? ...LOL

2007-03-22 03:53:36 · answer #7 · answered by Reb Da Rebel 6 · 1 0

South Africa used to be a very nice place with an organized society for all races.

2007-03-21 08:28:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Human Rights Day is a ANC euphemism for "Lets bash Whitey day." You can read in the answer from Moloi that it is based on half truths,lies and propaganda. Sharpeville was a bad day in SA's history but the facts are that a large Group of many 100's descended on the small Sharpeville Police Station. They surrounded it and threatened to attack it and kill the few Policemen inside. Reinforcements were sent in and a stand off ensued.A Policeman wrongly fired off a shot ( nobody knows the reason) and the rest took it as a signal to commence fire. 69 people were killed and 180 injured. There are pictures in your Newspaper archives of the armed mob as well as pictures of the weapons pile which was about 10 feet high spread over about 30 feet that was dropped by them when they ran. The question is who put them up to it and the answer is the ANC who used woman and children as their human shields in their propaganda war.Moloi uses all the emotive language that the ANC have perfected over the years to support a case that lacks fact. He then moves on to racism accusing Brad and others but he fails to mention that 20 years ago the President of the US,Ronald Reagan and the Prime Minister of the UK,Margaret Thatcher had branded the ANC as a terrorist organisation. He also fails to acknowledge that at that time Young Conservatives in the UK were marching through the streets of London with banners with pictures of Mandela on them and the words " Hang Mandela and all ANC Terrorists." But I guess in his limited view on events they too were racists.
He fails to acknowledge the ANC support for Mugabe and the opressive regime of Sonny Abacha in Nigeria when the UN and the rest of the civilised World were and are condemning them.He makes no mention of the ANC death camps in Angola and neighbouring where men and women were regularly tortured and raped and/or dissappeared. He fails to mention the Mandela's infamous "necklace" ( a burning tyre filled with petrol) placed around the neck of hapless victims who did not support or agree with the ANC and saw the deaths of 100's if not 1000's..
He fails to mention the ANC support for China's invasion of Tibet and the atrocities committed on Tibetans or their abstention at the UN on a vote to condemn the notion that "the Holocaust never existed." He makes no mention of the current ANC delaying tactics at the UN to prevent sanctions being exposed on Iran. He fails to mention that the ANC fails in its duty under UN legislation to protect it's citizens from crime and in fact has a President who denies crime is out of control. This same buffoon together with his Health Minister has oversaw the deaths of millions of South Africans with their denialist stance on HIV/AIDS.
The list of atrocities committed by the ANC goes on and on but they and their supporters dont want them exposed or talked about and prefer to dwell on propaganda and myths to elicit further contributions to the begging bowl.

Moloi - The problem with you is you open your mouth and let your belly rumble. Firstly I was not educated in South Africa and you make all kinds of assumptions about where my knowledge comes from. Secondly you fail to mention that Mandela accepted a US$50 million (gift) bribe from Ababcha's Government and that his position was vehemently opposed by Mbeki and others within the ANC.
You only raise these 2 points and provide a non answer on HIV/AIDS yet you do not mention the other atrocities the ANC were involved in that I have mentioned.
You have the Internet so go and research the archive photo's of Sharpville and the recorded facts as well as all the other things I have raised. But you cannot do it because the truth is unpalatable to your ANC dogma and besides you may lose your " Free card for Life " that entitles you to everything for nothing when you signed up.

2007-03-22 05:05:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Just another way to keep apartheid alive and to promote racism

2007-03-21 16:31:08 · answer #10 · answered by 3rd reich 1 · 1 1

I realy dont care all i care about is that it is a day off from work

2007-03-22 03:49:47 · answer #11 · answered by SAgirl 5 · 0 1

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